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Oil and Gas: General Information

Web sites with useful generic information about oil and gas production.

Follow the links below to learn more about oil and gas and ongoing planning efforts related to oil and gas production.

American Petroleum Institute (API)

The American Petroleum Institute Web site includes information about oil and natural gas; policy issues; environment, health, and safety; and standards. The site also contains an extensive list of publications (most of which must be ordered).

Bureau of Land Management (BLM)

The BLM Best Management Practices Web site provides information on best management practices and has links to several slide shows, information sheets, and documents pertaining to best management practices for fluid minerals including production operations, visual resource management, wildlife management, and low-volume roads engineering. The Web site also has a link to BLM's "Gold Book" (Surface Operating Standards and Guidelines for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development).

Coal Bed Methane Production

Several organizations maintain information about coal bed methane, including the following Web sites: the U.S. Geological Survey's Coalbed Methane and Coal Stratigraphy Research page; National Energy Technology Laboratory's Coal Bed Natural Gas page; Coalbed Methane Association of Alabama; Coalbed Natural Gas Alliance Web site; and the Montana Board of Oil & Gas Conservation's Coalbed Methane page.

Colorado Division of Wildlife

The Colorado Division of Wildlife has drafted standard operating practices (SOPs) for oil and gas operations in Colorado. These SOPs identify activities that can be undertaken in different phases of development from planning through drilling and long-term operations to mitigate impacts to wildlife. The Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission adopted many of these practices in Rule Series 1200, Protection of Wildlife Resources.

DOE Tribal Energy Development Guide

DOE's Tribal Energy Development Guide provides a variety of information that tribes can use to achieve tribal energy goals, including a process of strategic energy planning for tribes interested in improving their energy security, sovereignty and local economy; and information on fossil and renewable energy sources, transmission and grid connection, and energy efficiency.

Tribal Energy Development Template

The Quapaw Tribe of Oklahoma has developed a Tribal Energy Development Primer providing information about energy development on tribal lands, including overviews of both renewable and traditional energy resources; information on infrastructure planning, guidance on assessing environmental and cultural resource issues; guidance on assessing market potential, suitable business structures, and financing options; and a discussion of developing tribal capacity and Tribal Energy Resource Agreements. Development of this document was supported by the DOI's Office of Indian Energy and Economic Development.

Drilling Waste Management Information System (DWMIS)

The Drilling Waste Management Information System Web site provides access to information about the management and regulation of drilling wastes. This includes information about drilling waste management and disposal technologies, federal and state regulatory agencies, and relevant regulations. It also includes an interactive tool for identifying appropriate management and disposal technologies based on specific site conditions and location.

Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA)

The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America (INGAA) Web site provides general information on interstate natural gas pipelines, including numerous reports. It also several short movies including various aspects of pipeline ROW clearing and restoration, pipeline constriction and operation, and pipeline safety.

Montana Board of Oil and Gas Conservation

Among the documents available on the Web site for the Montana Board of Oil & Gas Conservation is Handbook on Best Management Practices and Mitigation Strategies for Coal Bed Methane in the Montana Portion of the Powder River Basin.

NORM Technology Connection

The NORM Technology Connection Web site provides access to information about the management and regulation of oil and gas wastes containing naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM). This includes information about the regulation of NORM in each state with links to state oil and gas agencies and radiation control agencies. It also includes a searchable database of information about companies providing NORM management, disposal, and training services.

Produced Water Management Information System (PWMIS)

The Produced Water Management Information System Web site provides access to information about the management and regulation of produced water generated by the oil and gas industry. This includes general information about produced water, technologies for its management and disposal, federal and state regulatory agencies, and relevant regulations. It also includes an interactive tool for identifying appropriate management and disposal technologies based on specific site conditions and location.

United States Geological Survey (USGS)

The USGS Oil and Gas Resources Web site contains extensive information on oil and gas resources and the potential for future development in the United States.

Western Governors' Association (WGA)

The Western Governors' Association addresses policy and governance issues in the Western United States, including issues related to energy development and the environment. Relevant documents available on its Web site include the Wildlife Corridors Initiative Oil and Gas Working Group Report and Conserving the Greater Sage Grouse – A Compilation of Efforts Underway on State, Tribal, Provincial and Private Lands.

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