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The Carbon Cycle, the Greenhouse Effect, and Ways to Reduce Emissions

Carbon is present throughout the natural environment in many forms. Carbon is present in the air as carbon dioxide, and contributes to the "Greenhouse Effect" and global warming. Efforts are being made to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to counter this effect.

Carbon is a building block of life and a form of stored energy. When fossil fuels are burned for energy (combustion), carbon is released. Carbon compounds move through plants and animals, the air, the ocean, and the earth. Carbon present in the air as carbon dioxide contributes to the "Greenhouse Effect" and related global warming. "Carbon sequestration" describes both natural and manmade processes for capture and long-term storage of carbon that are being employed to combat global warming. Follow the links below to learn about the carbon cycle, the greenhouse effect, and ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

Carbon sequestration composite photo. Sources: NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Argonne Biosciences Division, NASA Earth Observatory
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