OptimalSort—Card Sorting Made Easy

Date: December 7, 2009
Presenter: Sam Ng, OptimalUsability

On-Demand Webinar

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Do your users have trouble finding information and tasks on your website? Are you trying to re-organize the site but don't know where to start?

Card Sorting is a simple technique in which a group of selected website users arrange your tasks and topics into categories that make sense to them. Typically, the content topics are identified and written onto index cards or Post–it notes that the user arranges into logical groups. Card sorts help make websites easier to use and are an appropriate activity for new web pages as well as when redesigning existing websites.

OptimalSort is card sorting made easier. It's an online tool with an "elegant user interface, powerful analysis and outstanding support." As part of this presentation, OptimalSort representative Sam Ng will take you through a card sort of a section of USA.gov from start to finish. You'll participate in the sort before the presentation, getting familiar with the tool, and then during the presentation Sam will explain how to analyze the results of the card sort and how to turn these results into a new and better informational structure.

Don't miss this chance to try this tool for yourself and gain the knowledge and experience you need to do your own card sort.

What You Will Learn

  • Benefits of doing a card sort
  • How to organize a card sort with an online tool from start to finish
  • The difference between an open and closed sort
  • How to analyze the results from the card sort
  • Next steps – after the sort

Who Should Attend

Web managers and content managers, Usability specialists interested in search interface, and anyone interested in improving web content for better search.

About the Presenter

Sam Ng has always had an interest in simplifying technology. His background in new product development and industrial design led to thePhotograph of Sam Ng. practice of designing for use and human factors.

Prior to Optimal Usability, Sam had three years experience at Unisys New Zealand where he was responsible for supporting new product development initiatives and exploring new market opportunities in the Asia–Pacific region.

Sam has experience in project management, business development and marketing. Sam is currently leading Optimal Usability's product development initiatives, with the first product being OptimalSort. Sam enjoys spending as much of his dwindling time as possible in the outdoors and on his mountain bike.

Content Lead: DigitalGov University Team
Page Reviewed/Updated: June 22, 2012

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