Apps Challenge Workshop

Class Format: Half-Day Workshop
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Course Description

This event is an excellent training opportunity for those interested in running an apps challenge, or those new to challenges altogether. Mobile devices and apps are proliferating, so building this capacity in the government is more important than ever. Hear from speakers who have run apps challenges about what went right, as well as unexpected obstacles. After spending half a day with us, you'll have a toolkit to help you use challenges to quickly and cost-effectively build apps that engage citizens and provide better customer service.


8:45–8:50 Kick off — Sheila Campbell, GSA

When to do an Apps Challenge — Moderated by Robynn Sturm, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

  • Peter Corbett, iStrategy Labs
  • Brandon Kessler, ChallengePost

Design to Achieve Your Goals

Setting goals and metrics, tech issues, selection criteria, prizes, judging (expert v. public), and resources required to run a prize/challenge, Q&A

  • Ryan Merkley, Mozilla Foundation (Milestones/Staging)
  • Gail Davenport, World Bank (Apps for Development)
  • Abdul Shaikh (NIH Health 2.0 Developer Challenge)



Mobilizing Participants

Marketing, continuous engagement with community, Q & A

  • Amanda Eamich, Apps for Healthy Kids (Leveraging Public-Private Partnerships for Outreach)
  • Aman Bhandari, Community Health Data Initiative (Mobilizing a sustained ecosystem)
  • Richard Murby, World Bank (Apps for Development)

Wrap up, how GSA can help, resources — Sheila Campbell




Content Lead: DigitalGov University Team
Page Reviewed/Updated: March 1, 2011

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