International Fisheries:

High Seas Fisheries in the North Pacific Ocean

In 2006 Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation and the United States of America have participated in consultations on the establishment of new mechanisms for the management of high seas bottomfish fisheries in the northwest Pacific Ocean. Vessels from Japan, Korea and Russia have conducted bottomfishing in the area in recent years. U.S. vessels have not recently conducted bottomfishing in this area. These consultations have now expanded to include additional participants and to address a broader geographical area and a wider range of marine species.

In 2009, revised interim measures External Link for the northwest Pacific Ocean were adopted. The objectives of the interim measures are the sustainable management of fish stocks and the protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems. While working on a long-term agreement to achieve the identified objectives the parties decided to limit fishing effort to the existing level and not to expand bottomfish fisheries into new areas.

The 10th multilateral meeting to discuss the long-term agreement included Canada, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, the United States and Chinese Taipei and took place in Vancouver, Canada, February 27 - March 4, 2011. The meeting resulted in the adoption of interim management measures for the northeast Pacific Ocean and a completed draft of the English text of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fisheries Resources in the North Pacific Ocean. Subject to several procedural matters, the first Preparatory Conference to arrange for the entry into force of the Convention is tentatively scheduled for August/September 2011 in Japan.


For questions about U.S. participation please email.

Website: http://nwpbfo.nomaki.jpExternal Link