

An America Built to Last

An America Built to Last

President Obama is working to build a country and an economy where we reward hard work, value fairness, and where everyone is held accountable for what they do. He is meeting the challenges we face as a nation with a bold, comprehensive plan. And he is reimagining government to be more open, transparent, and accountable.


Popular Issues

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Issues Snapshots

Since his first day in office, President Obama has focused on laying the foundation for an economy built to last. Explore the progress that President Obama has made on the issues that matter most to you, and find out what’s next.

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This is a make or break moment for the middle class, and President Obama is working to build an economy that works for everyone -- where hard work and responsibility are rewarded.

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Health Care

President Obama is reforming health care to ensure a more secure future for American families.

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President Obama believes that every child deserves access to the type of education they need to prepare for the challenges of a new century.

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Energy and the Environment

President Obama is building the foundation for a clean energy economy, tackling the issue of climate change, and protecting our environment.

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