Directors Office Reports

In addition to disseminating our research results as PIFSC reports or articles in peer-reviewed publications, we issue regular overviews of Center activities and accomplishments. These include annual reports, a quarterly research report, external reviews of our scientific enterprise, and peer reviews of selected scientific products.

PIFSC Annual Reports

The following are links to the Center's annual reports (2006 - present) that describe the basic operations of the Center and its research priorities.

External Reviews of PIFSC

The following links display information on external reviews of the Center's programs conducted at the request of the Directors Office. Included for each review are an overview, the external reviewers' comments, and the Center's response.

2012 PIFSC External Stakeholder Report

Early in 2012 the PIFSC directors sponsored a confidential review of how well the Center was fulfilling its mission in its stakeholders' eyes. Dr. Jeff Crawford of Executive Development, Inc. of Honolulu was selected to conduct the review. The Introduction of his report is available here. We very much appreciate the insights provided by our stakeholders and are committed to improving our performance, particularly on the dimensions Crawford identified as least strong. – Sam Pooley, director

External Review of the Center's Coral Reef Ecosystem Research

NOAA's coral reef research, including work at PIFSC, is funded and supported by the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program (CRCP). In 2007, the CRCP undertook a comprehensive external review of its work to note successes, identify issues and seek expert guidance on ways to improve the program. The review included an evaluation of the extensive coral reef ecosystem research by the PIFSC's Coral Reef Ecosystem Division in the central and Western Pacific. Background information on the CRCP review and links to review documents are available at the following Web page:

Peer Reviews of Stock Assessments and Other Research

The Center regularly solicits independent peer reviews of its scientific work, including stock assessments, other analytical products, and research strategies.

PIFSC Quarterly Research Bulletins

The Quarterly Research Bulletins highlight the Center's recent research activities and accomplishments. Readers are invited to request further information on any topic.

NOAA Fisheries Science Program Reviews

Sound scientific research is the foundation for conservation and management actions to maintain the health of our marine fisheries, habitats and ecosystems. To help ensure the quality, integrity, credibility and transparency of our science, NOAA Fisheries conducts systematic, public peer reviews of scientific programs across the agency. In the first round of peer reviews, taking place in 2013, experts from outside NOAA Fisheries will examine data collection programs at PIFSC and other Science Centers that are the foundation for fish stock assessments. In subsequent years, other topics will be addressed. [More]

Strategic Plan for the Conservation and Management of Marine Resources in the Pacific Islands Region 2005-2010

The leadership and staff of the National Marine Fisheries Service offices in Honolulu – Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC), Pacific Islands Region Office (PIRO), and NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement Pacific Islands Division (ENF-HI), as well as the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, met in 2003 and 2004 to prepare an overview of the new region.