APS Detector Pool (X-ray Science Division)

The Detector Pool provides many different types of x-ray detectors to beamline scientists at the Advanced Photon Source. These detectors are made available for short term loans (typically several days to a week or two, but this is flexible). The detector pool also coordinates loans between sectors, helps sectors repair equipment, and coordinates group purchases. Depending on budgets, we purchase new equipment, based largely on suggestions from the beamline scientists. Requests for detectors are submitted by beamline scientists at the sectors on behalf of general users. General Users are free to contact us regarding detector capabilities and other questions. The Detector Pool is staffed during normal working hours, Monday - Friday during a run. The on-call person can be paged at 2-9490 for assistance. For general questions, APS DP staff can be contacted at: dp@aps.anl.gov



APS Detector Pool

Submit a Detector Request



Detector Pool News

Dry Ice requests are handled by APS Detector Pool staff and should be requested through the Detector Pool database.

Read more here.