NASA LogoNASA Acquisition Forecast

It is NASA policy (see NASA FAR Supplement 1807.72) to prepare an annual forecast and a semiannual update of expected contract opportunities, or classes of contract opportunities, for each fiscal year.  The forecast consolidates anticipated procurements (in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold) at each NASA Center with the aim of increasing industries' advance knowledge of NASA requirements and to enhance competition.

The procurements described in this forecast are expected to be solicited in this fiscal year and beyond, based on the best information available at the time of publication.  All projected procurements are subject to revision or cancellation.  Final decisions as to the extent of competition, small or disadvantaged business set-asides, estimated value, etc., will not be made until each procurement is initiated.  The data is for planning purposes only; it does not represent a presolicitation synopsis or constitute an invitation for bid or request for proposal, nor is it a commitment by the Government to purchase the described supplies and services.  You are urged to review and the NASA Acquisition Internet Service for the actual notice of a pending contract action.

Agency-Wide Acquisition Forecast (Last Update - 10/4/2012)

The following Consolidated Agency-wide Acquisition Forecast is provided to allow users to search multiple NASA Centers for specific types of opportunities to match your organizational interests. This tool contains “pivot table” capabilities and graphics to easily manipulate and illustrate the data. Please note that there are five separate tabs at the bottom of this Excel-based tool to facilitate use of unique, useful data sets. 

NASA Agency-wide Acquisition Forecast

Center-by-Center Acquisition Forecast (Last Update - 10/4/2012)

The following Acquisition Forecast is provided by each NASA Center or procurement activity. Each Center forecast is presented in Excel format but does not contact "pivot tables" cabalities or graphics. For those, you must use the Agency-Wide version which allows you to see each Center individually.: 

Data Definitions

Please use the information below to navigate the Acquisition Forecast.

CENTER (COLUMN A) : Identifies the center / activity conducting the procurement

STATUS (COLUMN B) : Indicates the status of a new or previously identified acquisition (i.e. Awarded, Deleted, New, Revised or No Change)

NAICS CODES (COLUMN C) : Indicates the 2-6 digit NAICS code applicable to the forecasted procurement. Full NAICS code may or may not be available depending on the maturity of the procurement planning process. (For more information regarding NACIS codes, please visit

Note: NAICS Codes are preliminary; Final NAICS Codes are decided by Contracting Officer

PRODUCT SERVICE CODE (COLUMN D) : Indicates the Product Service Code (PSC) applicable to the forecasted procurement as described in the Federal Procurement Data System Manual. PSCs have up to four alpha / numeric identifiers. The first one or two element of the PSC codes generally correspond to the codings used to categorize procurements published in the Commerce Business Daily. As much of the PSC coding as possible is used, depending on the maturity of the procurement planning process.

TYPE OF REQUIREMENT (COLUMN E) : Identifies the procurement category from the following:

  • Construction (Including A&E)
  • R&D (Research and Development)
  • Services
  • Supplies (Including Equipment)

VALUE (COLUMN F) : Indicates the approximate dollar value by the following ranges:

  • Simplified Acquisition Procedures (SAP) - $1M
  • $1M - $5M
  • $5M - $50M
  • $50M +
  • TBD
Note: Current SAP Threshold Minimum = $150K

QUARTER & GOVERNMENT FISCAL YEAR (COLUMN G & H) : Indicates the anticipated time, by quarter and fiscal year, for the release of the solicitation. The Federal Government’s Fiscal Year begins on October 1st and ends on September 30th.

Note: It is possible that any fiscal year forecast report may project a release of an identified procurement’s solicitation in the following fiscal year

SOCIO ECONOMIC PREFERENCE (COLUMN I) : Identifies the extent the procurement is presently considered to be exclusively available to all small businesses. Socio Economic Preference choices include the following:

  • Full and Open
  • Small Business (SB) Set Aside – 100% set aside for a Small Business
  • HUBZone Set Aside – 100% set aside for HUBZone Classified Small Business
  • Woman-Owned SB (WOSB) Set Aside – 100% set aside for a Woman Owned Small Business
  • Service Disable Veteran Owned SB (SDVOSB) Set Aside - 100% set aside for a Service Disabled Veteran Owned SB
  • 8(a) Set Aside - 100% set aside for an 8(a) Classified Small Business
  • None – 0% has been set aside SB, HUBZone, WOSB, SDVOSB or 8(a) Small Businesses
  • Partial – Indicates a partial set aside is expected
  • TBD – No preliminary determination has been made

COMPETITION (COLUMN J) : Indicates whether the procurement is expected to be competitive (“Yes”) or non-competitive (“No”)

DESCRIPTION (COLUMN K) : Provides a brief narrative of the principal requirements of the procurement and any other information the procuring activity considers to be useful to potential sources

POINT OF CONTACT (POC) NAME, TELEPHONE # & EMAIL ADDRESS (COLUMNS L – N) : Identifies the primary POC name, office code (if available), telephone # and email address (if available) of an individual at the procuring center most knowledgeable of the procurement. Prior to release of the solicitation, the POC can assist interested organizations in assessing their abilities to participate in the procurement, either as a prime contractor or subcontractor.

COMMENTS (COLUMN O) : Provides updates to acquisitions, if applicable. This field may or may not be completed.


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Owner:  Diane Frazier,
Curator:   Susie Marucci,

Updated: October 2012

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