Charter for the APS Laser Safety Committee


1. Purpose

The Laser Safety Committee advises APS Management on laser safety matters, participates in project reviews as requested, recommends laser safety policy, reviews accident investigation conclusions, and evaluates plans to protect personnel where laser activities are expected to take place.

2. Membership

The committee shall consist of the chairperson and committee members from the APS Divisions, APS Beamline Community, and non-APS Argonne organizations. The members should have significant involvement and experience in laser work. The Committee will solicit other representatives to participate in standing or ad hoc subcommittees as deemed necessary. Committee members can solicit nominations of candidates for membership. The chairperson shall be notified if a member desires to leave the committee.

The SUF Associate Laboratory Director (who is also the APS Director) through the SUF ESH/QA Coordinator appoints the committee chairperson and approves of the membership

 3. Method

The Committee is chartered by the SUF Associate Laboratory Director (who is also the APS Director). The Committee shall provide the SUF ES&H/QA Coordinator with meeting minutes and apprise him of laser related ESH issues and concerns.

Specifically, its duties are to:

  • Act as an advisory group on laser safety matters at the APS and recommend safety measures for eliminating or reducing potential laser hazards.
  • Develop, review and update facility-specific policies that implement the ANL Laser Safety program.
  • Participate on request or invitation in safety reviews of a new laser facility or technical design of laser systems or where changes are made to past laser designs.
  • Review training requirements established for APS staff, support organizations, users, and visitors.
  • Review laser installation, operation and maintenance procedures when requested.
  • Review of APS Laser Control Areas as requested by LCAS or APS management.

The Chairperson shall:

  • Ensure that the Committee carries out the tasks specified in this charter.
  • Convene timely meetings and ensure that minutes are kept, recording Committee activities.
  • Keep track of Committee action items
  • Charter subcommittees or ad hoc working group as necessary.
  • Report activities and recommendations to the APS ES&H/QA Manager.
  • Ensure that records are maintained of the disposition and implementation of Committee recommendations.

Committee Members shall:

  • Serve as subject matter experts in areas of Laser Safety and regulatory compliance.
  • Upon request evaluate work procedures at APS associated with laser installations, operation and maintenance to ensure those procedures are in accordance with the ANL Laser Safety Program and APS policies.
  • Serve as chair for ad hoc subcommittees, as appointed, Responsibilities may include:
    • suggesting agenda items for meetings
    • maintaining a list of subcommittee members
    • providing meetings minutes
    • maintaining records of action items and subcommittee recommendations

4. Frequency of Meetings

The Committee shall meet as determined by the chairperson, but at least biannually.

Last Reviewed: February 12, 2007
Last Revised: February 12, 2007
ICMS File:  APS_1204105