National Gang Center Quarterly Newsletter

The quarterly National Gang Center (NGC) Newsletter is an educational and informational tool for those engaged in efforts to reduce gang involvement and crime in communities. This publication aims to educate and inform practitioners, researchers, law enforcement, and others with a shared interest in gangs on current trends such as injunctions, significant court decisions, emerging gangs, gang trainings, and strategies being used in communities to deal with gangs.

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Volume 1

Front Page of the Winter 2013 Newsletter Winter 2013 Just Added

This issue features topics on civil gang injunctions, gang member migration, an evaluation of the G.R.E.A.T. Program, social media and gang behavior, and information on outlaw motorcycle gangs.

PDF file NGC-Newsletter-2013-Winter.pdf

Front Page of the Fall 2012 Newsletter Fall 2012

This issue features topics on the Cure Violence (formerly known as CeaseFire) program; Operation Hardcore, a specialized prosecution unit devoted to violent gang crimes; Street Outreach and the OJJDP Comprehensive Gang Model; the Massachusetts Shannon Community Safety Initiative; and a report titled Gang Homicides From Five U.S. Cities.

PDF file NGC-Newsletter-2012-Fall.pdf

Front Page of the Summer 2012 Newsletter Summer 2012

This issue features topics on gang member migration, effective gang reentry, prevention and intervention services for gang-affiliated girls, and dealing with gang violence in medical facilities.

PDF file NGC-Newsletter-2012-Summer.pdf

Front Page of the Spring 2012 Newsletter Spring 2012

This issue features topics on challenges schools face when dealing with anti-gang policies, comparing gang activity and the falling crime rate, North Carolina’s approach to youth gangs, and the G.R.E.A.T. Program’s international efforts in Central America.

PDF file NGC-Newsletter-2012-Spring.pdf