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Chang, P. S., Z. Jelenak, J. M. Sienkiewicz, R. Knabb, M. J. Brennan, D. G. Long, and M. Freeberg, 2009: Operational Use and Impact of Satellite Remotely Sensed Ocean Surface Vector Winds in the Marine Warning and Forecasting Environment. Oceanography, 22, 194-207, NOPP Special Issue.

Christopher, S., P. Gupta, U. Nair, T. A. Jones, S. Kondragunta, Y-L Wu, J. Hand, and X. Zhang, 2009: Satellite Remote Sensing and Mesoscale Modeling of the 2007 Georgia/Florida Fires, IEEE J. of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Sciences and Remote Sensing, accepted.

Cui, X. P., X. F. Li, and Z. P. Zong, 2009: Cloud microphysical and rainfall responses to zonal perturbations of sea surface temperature: A cloud-resolving modeling study. Progress in Natural Science, 19, 587-594, 10.1016/j.pnsc.2008.08.003.

Cui, X. P., and X. F. Li, 2009: Diurnal responses of tropical convective and stratiform rainfall to diurnally varying sea surface temperature. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 104, 53-61, 10.1007/s00703-008-0016-1.

Dong, P., F. Z. Weng, Q. H. Liu, and J. S. Xue, 2009: Deriving infrared land surface emissivity from the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 2021-2031, 10.1080/01431160802549203.

Flynn, L.E., et. al, 2009: Measurements and products from the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) and Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Instruments. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30 Issue 15, 4259.

Hoff, R., H. Zhang, N. Jordan, A. Prados, J. Engel-Cox, A. Huff, S. Weber, E. Zell, S. Kondragunta, J. Szykman, B. Johns, F. Dimmick, A. Wimmers, J. Al-Saadi, and C. Kittaka, 2009: Applications of the Three- Dimensional Air Quality System to Western US Air Quality: IDEA, Smog Blog, Smog Stories, AirQuest, and the Remote Sensing Information Gateway. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 59, 980-989, 10.3155/1047-3289.59.8.980.

Hong G., P. Yang, B. A. Baum, A. J. Heymsfield, F. Weng, G. Liu, G. Heygster, and S. A. Buehler, 2009: Scattering database in the millimeter and submillimeter wave range of 100–1000 GHz for nonspherical ice particles, J. Geophys. Res., 114, D06201, doi:10.1029/2008JD010451.

Hong, G., P. Yang, F. Weng, M. Liu, 2009: Simulations of microwave brightness temperatures at AMSU-B frequencies over a 3D convective cloud system. International Journal of Remote Sens., submitted.

Knaff, J.A. and C.R. Sampson, 2009. Southern Hemisphere Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecast Methods Used at the Joint Warning Center, Part III: Statistical-Consensus Forecasts. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 58:1, 19-27.

Leuliette, E. W., and L. Miller, 2009: Closing the sea level rise budget with altimetry, Argo, and GRACE. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L04608 10.1029/2008gl036010.

Li, X. F., W. Z. Zheng, W. G. Pichel, C. Z. Zou, P. Clemente-Colon, and E. Maturi, 2009: Multisatellite observations and numerical simulation of an along-coast cumulus cloud line induced by sea-breeze circulation. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 3573-3584, doi:10.080/01431160802585330.

Liang, X. M., A. Ignatov, and Y. Kihai, 2009: Implementation of the Community Radiative Transfer Model in Advanced Clear-Sky Processor for Oceans and validation against nighttime AVHRR radiances. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114, D06112 10.1029/2008jd010960.

Liu, Q. H., and F. Z. Weng, 2009: Radiative cooling effect of Hurricane Florence in 2006 and precipitation of Typhoon Matsa in 2005. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10, 122-126, 10.1002/asl.219.

Liu, Q., and F. Weng, 2009: Recent stratospheric temperature changing observed from satellite measurements, SOLA, 5, 53-56, doi:10.2151/sola.2009-014.

Liu, X. M., M. H. Wang, and W. Shi, 2009: A study of a Hurricane Katrina-induced phytoplankton bloom using satellite observations and model simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans, 114, C03023 10.1029/2008jc004934.

Merchant, C.J., A.R. Harris, E. Maturi, O. Embury, S.N. MacCallum, J. Mittaz and C.P. Old, 2009: Sea Surface Temperature Estimation from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 12. J. Atmosph. Ocean Technol., 26 (3), 570-581.

Mo, T., 2009: A study of the NOAA-15 AMSU-A brightness temperatures from 1998 through 2007. J. Geophysi. Res., 114, D1110, doi:10.1029/2008JD011267.

Rolph, G. D., R. R. Draxler, A. F. Stein, A. Taylor, M. G. Ruminski, S. Kondragunta, J. Zeng, H. C. Huang, G. Manikin, J. T. McQueen, and P. M. Davidson, 2009: Description and Verification of the NOAA Smoke Forecasting System: The 2007 Fire Season. Weather and Forecasting, 24, 361-378, 10.1175/2008waf2222165.1.

Shi, W., and M. H. Wang, 2009: An assessment of the black ocean pixel assumption for MODIS SWIR bands. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, 1587-1597, 10.1016/j.rse.2009.03.011.

Smith, W.H.F. and R. Scharroo, 2009: Mesoscale ocean dynamics observed by satellite altimeters in non-repeat orbits. Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L06601, doi:10.1029/2008GL036530.

Tai, C. K., 2009: The Temporal Aliasing Formulas for the Tandem Mission of Jason-1 and TOPEX/Poseidon. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 26, 352-367, 10.1175/2008jtecho610.1.

Vargas, M., C. W. Brown, and M. R. P. Sapiano, 2009: Phenology of marine phytoplankton from satellite ocean color measurements. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L01608 10.1029/2008gl036006.

Wang, L., C. Cao ,and M. Goldberg, 2009: Inter-calibration of GOES-11 and GOES-12 water vapor channels with MetOp/IASI hyperspectral measurements. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. In press.

Wang, M. H., S. Son, and W. Shi, 2009: Evaluation of MODIS SWIR and NIR-SWIR atmospheric correction algorithms using SeaBASS data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 113, 635-644, 10.1016/j.rse.2008.11.005.

Whittaker, J. M., R. D. Muller, W. R. Roest, P. Wessel, and W. H. F. Smith, 2008: How supercontinents and superoceans affect seafloor roughness. Nature, 456, 938-U973, 10.1038/nature07573.

Yan, B. and F. Weng, 2009: Assessments of F16 Special Sensor Microwave Imager and Sounder Antenna Temperatures at Lower Atmospheric Sounding Channels, AMET.

Yang, P., F. Weng, 2009. Estimates of radiation over clouds and dust aerosols: optimized number of terms in phase function expansion, JQSRT.

Yu, Y. Y., D. Tarpley, J. L. Privette, M. D. Goldberg, M. Raja, K. Y. Vinnikov, and H. Xu, 2009: Developing Algorithm for Operational GOES-R Land Surface Temperature Product. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47, 936-951, 10.1109/tgrs.2008.2006180.

Zeng X, W Tao, M Zhang, AY Hou, S Xie, S Lang, X Li, DO Starr, X Li, and J Simpson. 2009. An indirect effect of ice nuclei on atmospheric radiation, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, 66(1), doi:10.1175/2008JAS2778.1.

Zou, C.Z., M. Gao, M. Goldberg, 2009: Error structure and atmospheric temperature trends in observations from the microwave sounding unit. J. Climate, 22, 1661-1681, DOI:10.1175/2008JCLI2233.1.


Ackerman, S. A., A. J. Schreiner, T. J. Schmit, H. M. Woolf, J. Li, and M. Pavolonis, 2008: Using the GOES Sounder to monitor upper level SO2 from volcanic eruptions. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 113, D14s11 10.1029/2007jd009622.

Aubrecht, C., C.D. Elvidge, T. Longcore, C. Rich, J. Safran, A.E. Strong, C.M. Eakin, K.E. Baugh, B.T. Tuttle, A.T. Howard, and E.H. Erwin, 2008: A global inventory of coral reef stressors based on satellite observed nighttime lights. Geocarto International 23(6): 467- 479.

Csiszar, I. A., and W. Schroeder, 2008: Short-Term Observations of the Temporal Development of Active Fires From Consecutive Same-Day ETM plus and ASTER Imagery in the Amazon: Implications for Active Fire Product Validation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 1, 248-253, 10.1109/jstars.2008.2011377.

Davis, C., W. Wang, S. S. Chen, Y. S. Chen, K. Corbosiero, M. DeMaria, J. Dudhia, G. Holland, J. Klemp, J. Michalakes, H. Reeves, R. Rotunno, C. Snyder, and Q. N. Xiao, 2008: Prediction of landfalling hurricanes with the Advanced Hurricane WRF model. Monthly Weather Review, 136, 1990-2005, 10.1175/2007mwr2085.1.

Eakin, C.M., J. Kleypas, and O. Hoegh-Guldberg, 2008: Global Climate Change and Coral Reefs: Rising Temperatures, Acidification, and the Need for Resilient Reefs. Wilkinson, C. [ed.] Status of coral reefs of the world: 2008. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Townsville, Australia, 296 p.

Fromm, M., O. Torres, D. Diner, D. Lindsey, B. V. Hull, R. Servranckx, E. P. Shettle, and Z. Li, 2008: Stratospheric impact of the Chisholm pyrocumulonimbus eruption: 1. Earth-viewing satellite perspective. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113, D08202 10.1029/2007jd009153.

Gadhavi, H., R. T. Pinker, and I. Laszlo, 2008: Estimates of surface ultraviolet radiation over north America using Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites observations. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113, D21205 10.1029/2007jd009308.

Gao, S. T., and X. F. Li, 2008: Responses of tropical deep convective precipitation systems and their associated convective and stratiform regions to the large-scale forcing. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 134, 2127-2141, 10.1002/qj.331.

Grasso, L. D., M. Sengupta, J. F. Dostalek, R. Brummer, and M. Demaria, 2008: Synthetic satellite imagery for current and future environmental satellites. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29, 4373-4384.

Hillger, D. W., 2008: GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager color product development. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 25, 853-872, 10.1175/2007jtecha911.1.

Heron, S.F., W.J. Skirving and C.M. Eakin, 2008: Reef Temperatures Perspectives Covering the Last Century. Wilkinson, C. [ed.] Status of coral reefs of the world: 2008. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network and Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Townsville, Australia, 296 p.

Jin, X., J. Li, C. C. Schmidt, and T. J. Schmit, 2008: Retrieval of total column ozone from imagers onboard geostationary satellites. 479-488.

Jin, X., J. Li, T. J. Schmit, J. L. Li, M. D. Goldberg, and J. J. Gurka, 2008: Retrieving clear-sky atmospheric parameters from SEVIRI and ABI infrared radiances. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 113, D15310 10.1029/2008jd010040.

Khan, S. A., J. Wahr, E. Leuliette, T. van Dam, K. M. Larson, and O. Francis, 2008: Geodetic measurements of postglacial adjustments in Greenland. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 113, B02402 10.1029/2007jb004956.

Klokocnik, J., C. Wagner, J. Kostelecky, A. Bezdek, P. Novak, and D. McAdoo, 2008: Variations in the accuracy of gravity recovery due to ground track variability: GRACE, CHAMP, and GOCE. Journal of Geodesy, 82, 917-927, 10.1007/s00190-008-0222-0.

Knaff, J. A., T. A. Cram, A. B. Schumacher, J. P. Kossin, and M. DeMaria, 2008: Objective identification of annular hurricanes. Weather and Forecasting, 23, 17-28, 10.1175/2007waf2007031.1.

Kumar, S. V., R. H. Reichle, C. D. Peters-Lidard, R. D. Koster, X. W. Zhan, W. T. Crow, J. B. Eylander, and P. R. Houser, 2008: A land surface data assimilation framework using the land information system: Description and applications. Advances in Water Resources, 31, 1419-1432, 10.1016/j.advwatres.2008.01.013.

Laszlo, I., H. Q. Liu, and A. Ignatov, 2008: Comparison of single- channel and multichannel aerosol optical depths derived from MAPSS data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113, D19s90 10.1029/2007jd009664.

Lindsey, D. T., and L. Grasso, 2008: An effective radius retrieval for thick ice clouds using GOES. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 1222-1231, 10.1175/2007jamc1612.1.

Liu, Q. H., and F. Z. Weng, 2009: Radiative cooling effect of Hurricane Florence in 2006 and precipitation of Typhoon Matsa in 2005. Atmospheric Science Letters, 10, 122-126, 10.1002/asl.219.

Liu, Y., J. R. Key, and X. Wang, 2008: The influence of changes in cloud cover on recent surface temperature trends in the Arctic. Journal of Climate, 21, 705-715, 10.1175/2007jcli1681.1.

Mainelli, M., M. DeMaria, L. K. Shay, and G. Goni, 2008: Application of oceanic heat content estimation to operational forecasting of recent Atlantic category 5 hurricanes. Weather and Forecasting, 23, 3-16, 10.1175/2007waf2006111.1.

Meng, H., T. R. Green, J. D. Saias, and L. R. Ahuja, 2008: Development and testing of a terrain-based hydrologic model for spatial Hortonian Infiltration and Runoff/On. Environmental Modelling & Software, 23, 794-812, 10.1016/j.envsoft.2007.09.014.

Oliver, J.K., R. Berkelmans and C.M. Eakin, 2008: Coral Bleaching in Space and Time. Coral Bleaching: Patterns, Processes, Causes, and Consequences. Ecological Studies 205, Springer, Berlin, pp. 178.

Rosenfeld, D., W. L. Woodley, A. Lerner, G. Kelman, and D. T. Lindsey, 2008: Satellite detection of severe convective storms by their retrieved vertical profiles of cloud particle effective radius and thermodynamic phase. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 113, D04208 10.1029/2007jd008600.

Sampson, C. R., J. L. Franklin, J. A. Knaff, and M. Demaria, 2008: Experiments with a simple tropical cyclone intensity consensus. Weather and Forecasting, 23, 304-312, 10.1175/2007waf2007028.1.

Sapiano, M. R. P., T. M. Smith, and P. A. Arkin, 2008: A new merged analysis of precipitation utilizing satellite and reanalysis data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113, D22103 10.1029/2008jd010310.

Schmit, T. J., J. Li, J. J. Gurka, M. D. Goldberg, K. J. Schrab, J. L. Li, and W. F. Feltz, 2008: The GOES-R Advanced Baseline Imager and the Continuation of Current Sounder Products. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 47, 2696-2711, 10.1175/2008jamc1858.1.

Setvak, M., D. T. Lindsey, R. M. Rabin, P. K. Wang, and A. Demeterova, 2008: Indication of water vapor transport into the lower stratosphere above midlatitude convective storms: Meteosat Second Generation satellite observations and radiative transfer model simulations. Atmospheric Research, 89, 170- 180, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2007.11.031.

Smith, T. M., M. R. P. Sapiano, and P. A. Arkin, 2008: Historical reconstruction of monthly oceanic precipitation (1900-2006). Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113, D17115 10.1029/2008jd009851.

Smith, T. M., R. W. Reynolds, T. C. Peterson, and J. Lawrimore, 2008: Improvements to NOAA's historical merged land-ocean surface temperature analysis (1880-2006). Journal of Climate, 21, 2283-2296, 10.1175/2007jcli2100.1.

Vargas, M., F. Kogan, and W. Guo, 2009: Empirical normalization for the effect of volcanic stratospheric aerosols on AVHRR NDVI. Geophysical Research Letters, 36, L07701 10.1029/2009gl037717.

Wang, L. K., and C. Y. Cao, 2008: On-Orbit Calibration Assessment of AVHRR Longwave Channels on MetOp-A Using IASI. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 46, 4005-4013, 10.1109/tgrs.2008.2001062.

Yan, B. H., F. Z. Weng, and H. Meng, 2008: Retrieval of snow surface microwave emissivity from the advanced microwave sounding unit. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 113, D19206 10.1029/2007jd009559.

Zou, C.Z. and M. Gao, 2008: A long-term atmospheric temperature dataset derived from NOAA microwave sounding unit with cross-calibration, 2008. J. Applied Meteor. Sci., 19, No. 5, 582-587.


Chen, R. Y., F. L. Chang, Z. Q. Li, R. Ferraro, and F. Z. Weng, 2007: Impact of the vertical variation of cloud droplet size on the estimation of cloud liquid water path and rain detection. Journal of the atmospheric sciences. 64, 11, 3843-3853, 10.1175/2007JAS2126.1.

Knaff, J. A., and R. M. Zehr, 2007: Reexamination of tropical cyclone wind-pressure relationships. Weather and Forecasting, 22, 71-88, 10.1175/waf965.1.

Mecikalski, J. R., W. F. Feltz, J. J. Murray, D. B. Johnson, K. M. Bedka, S. T. Bedka, A. J. Wimmers, M. Pavolonis, T. A. Berendies, J. Haggerty, P. Minnis, B. Bernstein, and E. Williams, 2007: Aviation applications for satellite-based observations of cloud properties, convection initiation, in-flight icing, turbulence, and volcanic ash. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, 1589-+, 10.1175/bams-88-10-1589.

Reynolds, R. W., T. M. Smith, C. Liu, D. B. Chelton, K. S. Casey, and M. G. Schlax, 2007: Daily high-resolution-blended analyses for sea surface temperature. Journal of Climate, 20, 5473-5496, 10.1175/2007jcli1824.1.

Vila, D., R. Ferraro, and R. Joyce, 2007: Evaluation and improvement of AMSU precipitation retrievals. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres, 112, D20119 10.1029/2007jd008617.

Zehr, R. M., and J. A. Knaff, 2007: Atlantic major hurricanes, 1995- 2005 - Characteristics based on best-track, aircraft, and IR images. Journal of Climate, 20, 5865-5888, 10.1175/2007jcli1652.1.

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