Fisheries & Ecological Services
Alaska Region   


Fairbanks Fish & Wildlife Field Office
Outreach & Education

The goal of our outreach and education program is to use communication as a tool to enhance understanding, appreciation, and stewardship of Alaska’s fish and wildlife resources. We have a number of outreach programs and have developed many types of education materials for educators to use.

Outreach Programs

  • Educator Workshops
  • Science Camps
  • Eider Journey
  • Outdoor Days
Education Materials

For more information about this program, please contact Laurel Devaney, Education Coordinator, at either or by phone at 907-456-0558.

Students assess stream health by identifying aquatic insects. Photo Credit: USFWS.
Students assess stream health by identifying aquatic insects.
Photo Credit: USFWS


Last updated: December 13, 2011