U.S. Department of Justice

The Efficacy of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Framework in Guiding Treatment for Female Young Offenders

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Feb. 13, 2013

Library ID

  • 026629

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  • 2011
  • 026629

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  • The Efficacy of the Risk-Need-Responsivity Framework in Guiding Treatment for Female Young Offenders

Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: It is believed that the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) framework is gender-neutral'that it works the same for male and female juvenile offenders. This report examines whether the RNR framework really does work equally well for male and female youth. This determines: whether RNR based YLS/CMI (Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory) clinician-identified needs are different for boy and girls; if the clinician-identified needs of boys and girls are matched by probation services at identical levels; and the degree to which recidivism predictions based on RNR need are equivalent for both girls and boys. 'While the RNR based risk assessment and case management model seems to be identifying needs and guiding the provision of probation services equally well for boys and girls, the efficacy of reducing recidivism through matching services to clinician identified needs was differentially successful for male and female youth. The percentage match between clinician recommendations and treatment provision was only shown to significantly predict a reduction in recidivism for the males in our sample, with percentage of successfully matched needs having no significant relationship to recidivism for females.' (p. 27).

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