U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Wildlife & Sport Fish Restoration Program

Training Archives

May 2011 - iPads come to WSFR Training

In early May not only did the WSFR Training Program roll out a new course (Lands), but it also marked the first time using iPads instead of laptops in the classroom.  The WSFR Toolkit was modified and ported over to the iPad using the Good Reader app.  The initial success in the Lands course was followed up with a positive review from the Basic Grants Management Course attendees.

 “Using tablets allows for every student to have their own device. Although only a few of the students had prior experience with touch technology, they took to them immediately.  The iPads were a big hit” according to instructor Phil King.

Using iPads offers a better experience for students and saves the WSFR Training Program almost $30,000 over their five year life compared to using laptops.

“The iPads are cheaper and they weigh much less than a laptop.  We ship these devices all over the country and the savings on shipping costs are significant” stated instructor Scott Knight.

Lands Training Students holding iPads
Photo credit: USFWS
Lands Training Course students with iPadsBasic Grants Management students using iPads in classBasic Grants Management students with iPads
Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Program Digital Library

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