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NICEATM and ICCVAM work to promote the development, validation and regulatory acceptance of safety evaluation methods that reduce, refine, and/or replace animal use while ensuring the continued or improved protection of people, animals, and the environment. This page highlights recognition that NICEATM and ICCVAM have received for their work.

Awards Given to ICCVAM Projects and Presentations

Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation Poster Awards at Seventh World Congress

A poster presentation at the Seventh World Congress on Alternatives and Animal Use in the Life Sciences (WC7) in September 2009 won an award presented by the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation (DZF). The poster, entitled “International Acceptance of In Vitro Alternative Ocular Safety Testing Methods: The Bovine Corneal Opacity and Permeability Test Method (Draft OECD TG 437),” described the international acceptance of the use of the bovine corneal opacity and permeability test method for identification of ocular corrosives and severe irritants. The Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation awards recognized posters at WC7 that best supported the principles of the DZF, a Swiss foundation that awards prizes for exceptional achievements in animal protection in biomedical research and funds research into reducing the suffering of experimental animals.

The poster was co-authored by:

  • Jill Merrill, Ph.D., U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ICCVAM Ocular Toxicity Working Group (OTWG) Chair
  • Marilyn Wind, Ph.D., Consumer Product Safety Commission, ICCVAM Chair
  • William Stokes, D.V.M., DACLAM, RADM, USPHS, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NICEATM Director, ICCVAM Executive Director
  • Joao Barroso, Ph.D., European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods, OTWG liaison member
  • Valerie Zuang, Ph.D., European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods, OTWG liaison member
  • Patric Amcoff, Ph.D., Test Guidelines Programme, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
  • Hajime Kojima, Ph.D., Japanese Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods, OTWG liaison member
  • Abigail Jacobs, Ph.D., U.S. Food and Drug Administration, ICCVAM Representative and OTWG member
  • Deborah McCall, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ICCVAM Representative and OTWG member
  • David Allen, Ph.D., ILS, Inc. (contractor supporting NICEATM)
  • Raymond R. Tice, Ph.D., National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, ICCVAM Representative

View posters presented by ICCVAM at WC7

2008 NIH Director’s Award

The members of the ICCVAM Five-Year Plan Subcommittee received the 2008 NIH Director’s Award in recognition of their outstanding contributions in developing an innovative interagency strategic plan to promote research, development, translation, and validation of new safety assessment methods to support improved public health. The NIH Director’s Award recognizes employees who exhibited superior performance or special efforts significantly beyond their regular duty requirements, but directly related to fulfilling the NIH mission. The individuals who received this award are:

  • Alan Poland, M.D., National Cancer Institute (Chair)
  • Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., D.A.B.T., Food and Drug Administration
  • David Hattan, Ph.D., Food and Drug Administration
  • Abigail C. Jacobs, Ph.D., Food and Drug Administration
  • Jodie Kulpa-Eddy, D.V.M., U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • Deborah McCarley, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • Sheila Newton, Ph.D., National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • Amy Rispin, Ph.D., Environmental Protection Agency
  • Margaret Snyder, Ph.D., National Institutes of Health
  • William Stokes, D.V.M., D.A.C.L.A.M., RADM, USPHS, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • Raymond R. Tice, Ph.D., National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
  • Marilyn Wind, Ph.D., Consumer Product Safety Commission

NICEATM staff have been recognized for their work by major research and animal welfare organizations; some of these awards are listed below.

Awards Received by Dr. Warren Casey, Acting Director, NICEATM


National Institutes of Health Individual Merit Award

Dr. Casey received a 2011 National Institutes of Health Individual Merit Award for excellent performance in leading the NTP’s international validation and interagency evaluation of new testing methods to support the federal government's endocrine disruptor chemical screening program.

Dr. Raymond Tice

Dr. Warren Casey,
Acting Director, NICEATM

Awards Received by Dr. William Stokes, Former Director, NICEATM


James A. McCallam Award - Association of Military Surgeons

The James A. McCallam award is presented to a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in recognition of outstanding accomplishments in the field of medicine and health. The award is named for Brigadier General James A. McCallam, a former Chief of the U.S. Army Veterinary Corps. General McCallam served in both World Wars and was the first veterinarian to hold the permanent rank of Brigadier General in the Regular Army.

National Institutes of Health Director's Award

For his role in the development of the NICEATM-ICCVAM 2008-2012 Five-Year Plan; see above

Karl F. Meyer-James H. Steele Gold Head Cane Award - American Veterinary Medical Association

The American Veterinary Epidemiology Society of the American Veterinary Medical Association presents the Meyer-Steele Gold Head Cane Award, sponsored by the Hartz Mountain Corporation, for achievements that have advanced human health through the practice of veterinary epidemiology and public health.

Dr. William Stokes

Dr. William Stokes, Former Director, NICEATM


Charles River Prize - Charles River Laboratories Foundation

The Charles River Prize is awarded in recognition for distinguished contributions to laboratory animal science by a veterinarian who is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association and currently engaged in laboratory animal science.

Surgeon General's Exemplary Service Medal

Dr. Stokes received the Surgeon General's Exemplary Service Medal in recognition of his service as the Chief Veterinary Officer from 2003-2007.


Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award - Society of Toxicology

The Enhancement of Animal Welfare Award honors a member of the Society of Toxicology whose scientific accomplishments have led to a marked reduction in the use of experimental animals for research.

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service

Dr. Stokes received the DHHS Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service for service to those affected by the devastation of Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Wilma.


Russell and Burch Award - Humane Society of the United States

The Humane Society of the United States presents the Russell and Burch Award to scientists who have made outstanding contributions toward the advancement of alternative methods in the areas of biomedical research, testing or higher education. The award is a means of recognizing the important role that individual scientists can and do play in limiting the use and suffering of animals in laboratories. It is is named in honor of William M. Russell and Rex L. Burch, the scientists who formulated the Three R's approach of replacement, reduction, and refinement.

Awards Received by Dr. Raymond Tice, Former Deputy Director, NICEATM


North American Alternative Award - Humane Society of the United States/Proctor and Gamble Company

The North American Alternative Award was presented to the interagency high-throughput screening initative known as the Tox21 Program. Tox21 is under the leadership of Christopher Austin, M.D., of the National Human Genome Research Institute, Robert Kavlock, Ph.D., of the Environmental Protection Agency, and Raymond Tice, Ph.D., of the National Toxicology Program. The North American Alternative Awards are given for outstanding scientific contributions to the advancement of viable alternatives to animal testing. The grant awarded to the “Tox21” program will support automated, robotic, high-volume testing of chemicals in the environment. The results from this non-animal testing will be used to develop toxicity “signatures” that help determine how toxic a chemical is and what type of toxicity it might cause.

National Institutes of Health Director's Award

For his role in the development of the NICEATM-ICCVAM 2008-2012 Five-Year Plan; see above

Dr. Raymond Tice

Dr. Raymond Tice,
Former Deputy Director, NICEATM


National Institutes of Health Director's Award

The NIH Director's Award was presented to Dr. Tice for extraordinary scientific leadership of the Molecular Libraries and Imaging Roadmap to enable research on new pathways to discovery in health and disease.

National Institutes of Health Merit Award

The NIH Merit Award is the highest award approved by the Director of an NIH institute. It recognizes contributions in the areas of leadership, significant scientific research or administrative support, creativity, and notable competence and resourcefulness in improving the scientific or administrative management of the institute. This award recognized Dr. Tice for exceptional effort and innovation in launching the National Toxicology Program high-throughput toxicology screening effort.

Awards Received by Ms. Deborah McCarley, Former Special Assistant to the NICEATM Director


National Institutes of Health Director's Award

For her role in the development of the NICEATM-ICCVAM 2008-2012 Five-Year Plan; see above


National Institutes of Health Merit Award

The NIH Merit Award is the highest award approved by the Director of an NIH institute. It recognizes contributions in the areas of leadership, significant scientific research or administrative support, creativity, and notable competence and resourcefulness in improving the scientific or administrative management of the institute. This award recognized Ms. McCarley for excellent performance in support of the activities of NICEATM.

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