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Payment Application Modernization (PAM)

PAM Project News

March 15, 2008, the Payment Automation Manager (PAM) application successfully processed 4.4 million direct deposit monthly Social Security Supplemental Income (SSI) payments for the April 1 payment date.

February 21, 2009, PAM successfully implemented processing of the monthly SSI Check Files totaling 2.7 million checks for the February 28 payment date.

November 1, 2009, PAM successfully implemented the processing of the daily SSI payment files.

February 13, 2010, PAM successfully implemented release 2.1 for the preparation of SPS streaming the Type B summary certifications through PAM. SPS streaming began on June 5th after all four RFC’s were trained.

November 14, 2010, PAM implemented release 3.0 for daily vendor, salary, travel, and miscellaneous payments. Additional PAM functionality included:

  • Payment Offset Processing

  • Standardized Print Check Faces

  • Standardized File Receipt Notification Report

  • Additional Interface Applications (TOP, TCS, Ca$hTrack, 1691, IPP)

This Financial Connections ArticlePDF file titled "PAM 3.0 Release Modernizes Payment Processing & Reporting" was published in the December 2010 issue.

January 14, 2011, Commissioner Lebryk signed the FMS Memorandum to all CFO's and Deputy CFO's regarding the Upcoming FMS Systems Changes and Timelines. Effective October 1, 2014, all federal agencies using Treasury disbursing services will be required to submit payment data in a newly developed standard input format.

Click herePDF file to read the Memorandum.

Milestone ChartPDF file (41 kb)

PAM Production Release SchedulePDF file (72 kb)

Agency/RFC Outreach
Representation from the PAM Project will be at the following forums:

Kansas City Customer Advisory Board
Atlanta, GA
Feb 9-10, 2011

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
February 23, 2011

San Francisco Customer Advisory Board
San Diego, CA
March 15-16, 2011

San Francisco Customer Forum
August 2011

   Last Updated:  March 11, 2011

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