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HUD   >   State Information   >   Arizona   >   Stories   >   2011-01-07-az-s
City of Chandler-Housing Construction, Employment & Energy Efficiency Improvements

The greatest challenge facing most public housing authorities is completing all of the work required on the assisted housing units with, in most cases, less funding. The Chandler Housing and Redevelopment Division (CHRD) found a way to get the most "bang for the buck."

CHRD saw that one of the biggest costs associated with any project is labor. What started out as an experiment with hiring one person under "Force Account labor" program, where the housing authority hires its own instead of using contractors, has grown into a Capital Fund Program (CFP) crew of eight skilled and semi-skilled workers. For example, instead of paying a contractor $75 per hour for an electrician or plumber, the CHRD is able to pay skilled workers HUD approved maintenance wage rate and save on average more than 50 percent.

 Energy efficient house

In addition, most of the CFP workers are hired through a temporary employment agency, thus saving on benefits, workers comp, and unemployment. This process allows for better control of productivity, and quality.

The second area of significant savings is on maintenance and construction materials. With a little shopping around, CHRD is saving an additional 20-40 percent. CHRD is also able to control waste by only using materials actually needed, and returning unused material for a refund.

Renovations to the public housing units are funded by HUD's CFP program. Between 2007 and 2009 (including Recovery Act funding), CHRD has received $2,049,465 for the CFP program. CHRD has completed numerous projects.

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