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Major Partners
UCLA University of California, Los Angeles - Science lead, science operations, data products, archiving, and analysis
JPL Jet Propulsion Laboratory - Project management, systems engineering, mission assurance, payload, SEP, navigation, mission operations, level zero data
Orbital Orbital Sciences Corporation - Spacecraft design and fabrication, quality assurance, SEP and payload integration; S/C testing and integration
LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory - GRaND instrument design, build, test, integrate, sequence and analyze data
DLR German Aerospace Center - Framing camera, fabrication, integration, test, sequencing and analysis. Integrate mapping spectrometer provided by CNR/IAS
MPS Max Planck Institute for Solar System Studies- Led development of the framing cameras. The institute is dedicated to the investigation of the solar system, in particular the environments of the Earth, planets, and comets, as well as the sun, its heliosphere and their interaction with the interstellar medium.
Italian Aerospace Center - Mapping spectrometer design, build, test, integrate, sequence and analyze data. ASI- Agenzia Spaziale Italiana/INAF- Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica: Mapping spectrometer design, build, test, integrate, sequence and analyze data.
KSC Kennedy Space Center - responsible for launch operations
DSN Deep Space Network - responsible for data return from spacecraft

Science Team Partners
Brown University Northeast Regional Planetary Data Center is a public facility designed to make available to all researchers, educators and the general public the vast amount of image data obtained by the U.S. Space Program from 1962 to the present.
Planetary Science Institute The Planetary Science Institute is a nonprofit science research institute focusing on the exploration of the solar system.
University of Tennessee The research interests range from diamondiferous eclogitesto Martian meteorites, and more.
University of Maryland The Department of Astronomy has the mission of achieving excellence in research, teaching, outreach and service in the areas of astronomy and astrophysics.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

At MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), history and interactions of our planet and the natural systems surrounding it are examined in order to predict future events and states with greater accuracy.

Goddard Space Flight Center Located outside of Washington DC, home to the nation's largest organization of combined scientists and engineers dedicated to learning and sharing their knowledge of the Earth, Sun, Solar System, and Universe.
Bear Fight Center This center is dedicated to the study of composition and structure of the surfaces of Solar System objects and the optical properties of geologically interesting materials.
Freie Universität Berlin The Planetary Sciences and Remote Sensing Department of the Institute of Geosciences of the University is dedicated to the study of the geologic evolution of the planets and minor bodies— in particular, to the cratering histories and chronological aspects.

Education and Public Outreach Partners
New Roads School The New Roads School was established as a model for education in an ethnically, racially, culturally, and socio-economically diverse community, instilling in students a respect for the humanity and ecology of the world in which they live.
McREL Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL) is a private, nonprofit organization dedicated to making a difference in the quality of education and learning for all through excellence in applied research, product development, and service.
University of Maryland University of Maryland, Education Public Outreach Director and Amateur Astronomy Lead
Magnolia Consulting Education and Public Outreach Project Evaluation