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National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
Fiscal Year 2012 Budget
Congressional Justfication

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Organization Chart

Organization chart for NIBIB. The chart shows 6 boxes, the Director box at the top with 4 beneath and 1 alongside. The Director of NIBIB is Dr. Roderic I. Pettigrew and the Deputy Director is Dr. Belinda Seto. The direct reports to the Office of the Director are: Officeof Research Administration – Dr. Anthony Demsey, Director; Office of AdministrativeManagement – Jeffrey Domanski, Director; Extramural Science Program –Dr. William Heetderks, Director; and the Intramural Science Program – Dr. Richard Leapman, Scientific Director. The National Advisory Council for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering serves in Advisory capacity to the Institute Director.

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Appropriation Language

For carrying out section 301 and title IV of the Public Health Service Act with respect to biomedical imaging and bioengineering research $322,106,000.

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Amounts Available for Obligation 


(Dollars in Thousands)

Source of Funding FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 CR FY 2012 PB
Appropriation $316,582 $316,582 $322,106
Type 1 Diabetes 0 0 0
Rescission 0 0 0
Supplemental 0 0 0
Subtotal, adjusted appropriation 316,582 316,582 322,106
Real transfer under Director's one-percenttransfer authority (GEI) (507) 0 0
Real transfer under Secretary's one-percent transfer authority (47) 0 0
Comparative transfersto NLM for NCBI and Public Access (137) (269) 0
Comparative transfer under Director'sone-percent transfer authority (GEI) 507 0 0
Subtotal, adjusted budget authority 316,398 316,313 322,106
Unobligated balance, start of year 0 0 0
Unobligated balance,end of year 0 0 0
Subtotal,adjusted budget authority 316,398 316,313 322,106
Unobligated balance lapsing 0 0 0
Total obligations 316,398 316,313 322,106

Excludes the following amounts forreimbursable activities carried out by this account:
FY 2010 - $4,160
FY 2011 - $4,160
FY 2012 - $4,160

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Budget Mechanism – Total


(Dollars in Thousands)

MECHANISM FY 2010 Actual FY 2011 CR FY 2012 PB Change vs. FY 2010
Research Grants: No. AMT. No. AMT. No AMT. No. AMT.
Research Projects
   Noncompeting 378   374 $162,039 365 $163,409 (13) $9,661
   Administrative Supplements 14 799 14 799 14 799 0 0
     Renewal 38 17,961 24 9,926 24 10,098 (14) (7,863)
     New 137 52,077 119 48,465 120 49,303 (17) (2,774)
     Supplements 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
    Subtotal, Competing 175 $70,038 143 $58,391 144 $59,401 (31) ($10,637)
      Subtotal, RPGs 553 $224,585 517 $221,229 509 $223,609 (44) ($976)
    SBIR/STTR 36 $7,965 35 $7,695 36 $7,845 0 ($120)
Research Project Grants 589 $232,550 552 $228,924 545 $231,454 (44) ($1,096)
Research Centers
   Specialized/Comprehensive 5 $6,896 5 $6,896 5 $6,965 0 $69
   Clinical Research 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   Biotechnology 17 19,378 17 19,378 17 19,572 0 194
   Comparative Medicine 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   Research Centers in Minority Institutions 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Research Centers 22 $26,274 22 $26,274 22 $26,537 0 $263
Other Research
   Research Careers 33 $3,982 33 $3,982 33 $4,022 0 $40
   Cancer Education 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   Cooperative Clinical Research 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   Biomedical Research Support 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   Minority Biomedical Research Support 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
   Other 10 768 10 10 776   8  
Other Research 43   43 $4,750 43 $4,798 0 $48
Total Research Grants 654 $263,574 617 $259,948 610 $262,789 (44) ($785)
Research Training FTTPs   FTTPs   FTTPs   FTTPs  
   Individual Awards 19 $884 19 $884 19 $919 0  
   Institutional Awards 240 10,184 235 10,184 235 10,591 (5) 407
Total Research Training 259 $11,068 254 $11,068 254 $11,510 (5) $442
Research & Development Contracts 9 $13,037 16 $15,494 16 $17,706 7 $4,669
           (SBIR/STRR) 2 $16 2 $16 2 $16 0 $0
  FTEs   FTEs   FTEs   FTEs  
Intramural Research 33 $11,358   $11,699 33 0   $458
Research Management and Support 64 17,361 65 18,104 65 18,285 1 924
Construction   0   0   0   0
Buildings and Facilities   0   0   0   0
Total, NIBIB 97 $316,398   $316,313 98 $322,106 1 $5,708

All items in italics are "non-adds"; items in parenthesisare subtractions

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Major Changes in the Fiscal Year 2012 Budget Request

Major changes by budget mechanism are briefly described below.The FY 2012 budget request for NIBIB is $5.708 million more than the FY 2010 level, for a total of $322.106 million.

Research Project Grants (RPGs; -$1.096 million;total $231.454 million): NIBIB will continue to fund a substantial number of RPGs, 545 awards in FY 2012 (a decrease of 44 from FY 2010).

Training (+$0.442million; total $11.510 million): NIH will provide an across-the-board increasein FY 2012 of four percent for stipends levels under the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award training program to continue efforts to attain the stipend levels recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. This will build on the two percent increase in stipend levels for FY 2011. Stipend levels were nearly flat for several years and the requested increase will help to sustain the developmentof a highly qualified biomedical research workforce. Training costs are also reflected in the FY 2012 Technological Competitiveness - Bridging the Sciences program total, as all NIBIB training activities are within that program.

Research & Development Contracts (+$4.669 million; total $17.706 million): NIBIB’s R&D contracts total includes NIBIB’s share of several trans-NIH initiatives, such as the Therapies for Rare and Neglected Diseases program, the Basic Behavioral and Social Sciences Opportunity Network (OppNet), and support for a new synchrotron at the Brookhaven National Laboratory.

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Summary of Changes


(Dollars in Thousands)

FY 2010 Actual
FY 2012 Estimate
   Net change $5,708
  2012 Estimate
Change from FY 2010
Budget Authority
Budget Authority
 A.  Built-in:
   1.  Intramural research:
        a.  Annualization of January
            2010 pay increase
  $3,195   $19
        b.  January FY 2012 pay increase   3,195   0
        c.  One less day of pay (n/a for 2011)
  3,195   (12)
        d.  Payment for centrally furnished services   1,583  
        e.  Increased cost of laboratory supplies,
             materials,and other expenses
  7,.038   4
       Subtotal    $18,206   $27

    2.  Researchmanagement and support:
        a.  Annualization of January  
            2010 pay increase
  $8,887   $53
        b.  January FY 2012 pay increase   8,887   0
        c.   One less day of pay (n/a for 2011)
  8,887   (34)
        d.  Payment for centrally furnished services   1,408  
        e.  Increased cost of laboratorysupplies,
            materials, and other expenses
  7,990   15
       Subtotal    $36,059   $49

        Subtotal, Built-in



  Number Amount Number Amount
B.  Program:        
    1.  Research Project Grants:        
        a.  Noncompeting 365 $164,208 (13) $9,661
        b.  Competing  144 59,401 (31) (10,637)
        c.  SBIR/STTR 36 7,845 0 (120)
                Total 545 $231,454 (44) ($1,096)

     2.  Research Centers

22 $26,537 0 263
    3.  Other Research 43 4,798 0 48
    4.  Research Training 254 11,510 (5) 442
    5.  Research and development contracts 16 17,706 7 4,669
         Subtotal, Extramural    $292,005   $4,326
  FTEs   FTEs  
    6.  Intramural Research                                    33 $11,816 0 431
    7.  Research Management and Support 65 18,285 1 875
    8.  Construction   0   0
    9.  Buildings and Facilities   0   0
         Subtotal, program 98 $322,106 1 $5,632
         Total changes     1 $5,708

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Budget Graphs

History of Budget Authority and FTEs:

Bar chart indicating funding levels (in millions) for NIBIB from 2008 through 2012. 2008, $299.7; 2009, $307.7; 2010, $316.4; 2011, $316.3; 2012, $322.1

Bar chart indiciating FTEs by Fiscal Year from 2008 through 2012. 2008, 89;2009, 89; 2010, 97; 2011, 98; 2012, 98.

Distribution by Mechanism

FY 2012 Budget Mechanism (Dollars in Thousands) Pie Chart indicating funding for fiscal year 2012 by budget mechanism. The pie has 7 slices. From largest to smallest the amounts are: Research Project Grants, $231,454 - 72%; Research Centers,$26,537 - 8%; RM&S, $18,285 - 6%; R&D Contracts, $17,706 - 5%; Intramural Research, $11,816 - 4%; Research Training, $11,510 - 4%; Other Research, $4,798- 1%

Change by Selected Mechanisms

FY2012 Estimate - Percent Change from FY 2010 Mechanism. Bar chart showing percentchange by mechanism. There are 7 bars. From top to bottom they are: Research ProjectGrants, -0.5; Research Centers, 1.0; Other Research, 1.0; Research Training, 4.0;R&D Contracts, 35.8; Intramural Research, 4.0; Research Management and Support, 5.3

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Budget Authority by Activity


(Dollars in Thousands)

  FY 2010
FY 2011
Change vs.
Extramural Research
FTEs Amount FTEs Amount FTEs Amount FTEs Amount
    $168,486    $167,736    $170,682    $2,196 
DiscoveryScience and Technology   94,160   93,740   95,387   1,227
Technological Competitiveness – Bridging the Sciences   25,033   25,034   25,936   903
Subtotal,Extramural   $287,679   $286,510   $292,005   $4,326
Intramural Research 33 $11,358 33 $11,699 33 $11,816 0 $458
Research Management & Support 64 $17,361 65 $18,104 65 $18,285 1 $924
  97 $316,398 98 $316,313 98 $322,106 1 $5,708

Includes FTEs which are reimbursed from the NIH Common Fund for Medical Research

Includes Real Transfers and Comparable Adjustments as detailed in the "AmountsAvailable for Obligation" table.

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Last Updated On 10/14/2011