CADD Standards Manual MicroSation - V8i Edition

Chapter Description Document / Modified Modification / Description
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The Introduction chapter contains an outline of the CADD (Computer Aided Design and Drafting) Standards Manual, and describes its intended use within CFLHD and the A/E consultants doing work for CFLHD 5-02-12 New Edition
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Directory Structures
The Directory Structure chapter details where files should be placed during the course of a CFLHD project. Included are the directory structures for Roadway, Survey, and Bridge, as well the directory structure for CADD Resources. 5-31-12 New Edition
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File Naming Conventions
The File Naming chapter details the proper naming of files created during the course of a CFLHD project. This includes project .DGN file naming, as well as the standard for .GPK file naming. 4-25-12 New Edition
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Seed Files
The Seed file chapter outlines the seed files in use at CFLHD as well as detailing some of the important settings contained within each. 5-02-12 New Edition
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CADD Standards Manual V8i Edition 3-30-12 New Edition
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Chapter 6 - Line Styles
The Linestyle chapter provides a description of each linestyle to be used on CFLHD projects, as well as the proper use of the CFLHD resource files. 5-02-12 New Edition
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Chapter 7 - Color Table
The Color Table chapter describes the proper CFLHD color table to be used. 5-02-12 New Edition
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Chapter 8 - Cell Libraries
The Cell Library chapter outlines the cell libraries currently in use at CFLHD. 5-09-12 New Edition
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Levels and Symbology
The Level and Symbology chapter outlines the proper placement of elements within MicroStation, including level, linestyle, color and weight, where appropriate. 5-02-12 New Edition
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Reference Files
The Reference File chapter explains the proper attachment methods and settings for reference files. 5-02-12 New Edition
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Chapter 11 - Plans and Packaging
The Plans and Packaging chapter describes important plan sheet content and organization for CFLHD plan sets. 5-09-12 New Edition
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CADD Standards Manual V8i Edition 4-12-12 New Edition
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Chapter 13 - PDF Creation & Plan Delivery
The PDF & Plan Delivery chapter explains plan delivery policies and how to create PDF files using different techniques. 5-09-12 New Edition
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