Planning Team

Planning team

Elijah Henley | Transportation Planning Team Lead
Elijah Henley has been with CFLHD since 2005 and has been working in the transportation field since 1994.  He has a broad background which includes planning and programming experience ranging from international trade and travel to planning a single bus route.  Prior to coming to CFLHD, he managed a travel demand management program for the Sonoma County Transportation Authority (SCTA) and coordinated land use and transportation planning with the cities, the county, and developers.  Currently his primary focus areas are: federal rules and regs, interagency coordination, management systems and LRTP development and implementation, and performance monitoring.

Melissa Allen, AICP | Senior Transportation Planner
Melissa joined the CFLHD Planning Team in February 2011 as a Senior Transportation Planner with over 10 years of planning experience. Prior to coming to CLFHD, she worked as a consultant on the Forest Highway and Fish and Wildlife LRTPs with both CFLHD and WFLHD, as well as corridor feasibility studies, NEPA documents, public involvement, travel demand modeling for state and local governments in Colorado, Wisconsin and Florida.

Laurie Miskimins | Transportation Planner
Laurie started in transportation planning at the City of Portland Oregon Bureau of Transportation. In 2008 she moved over to the FLMA planning realm when she became the transportation planner for Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. She joined the CFLHD team in February 2010. Her experience includes: transit, bicycle, and pedestrian planning, congestion management studies, unit-level long-range transportation planning, traffic study and survey design and analysis, evaluation plan development, and intelligent transportation systems planning.

Stephanie Lind, AICP | Transportation Planner
Prior to working at CFL, Stephanie was the transportation planner for Denver's Regional Air Quality Council. She also worked at the MPO in Colorado Springs (PPACG) as a transportation planner. She joined the team in April 2011. Her experience includes: public involvement, transportation/economic modeling, demographic modeling and analysis, travel demand management, data collection, survey development, air quality planning, Geographic Information Systems, in addition to experience in visualization, graphic and web design.