Budget Update for Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013

Judith Greenberg

The Fiscal Year 2012 appropriation provides NIH with $30.86 billion and NIGMS with $2.43 billion. The NIGMS figure represents an increase of 19% over Fiscal Year 2011 due to an increase in funds for programs transferred to NIGMS from the former National Center for Research Resources.

NIGMS will implement its fiscal management policies in a manner consistent with NIH’s fiscal policies:

  • Noncompeting research project grants (RPGs), both modular and nonmodular, will be issued with no inflationary increases for Fiscal Year 2012 and all future years, except for special needs such as equipment and added personnel. Fiscal Year 2012 competing awards will be held at an average cost comparable to Fiscal Year 2011 competing awards. Fiscal Year 2012 awards that have already been issued will be revised to adjust the award level in accordance with the above policies.
  • For Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA), all stipend levels will increase by 2%.

The President’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget request Exit icon, which was released on February 13, maintains the current NIH budget of $30.86 billion, similar to the Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012 appropriations. The President’s Fiscal Year 2013 request for NIGMS provides a budget of $2.38 billion, a slight decrease from Fiscal Year 2012 but comparable to the Fiscal Year 2011 level of support. The Fiscal Year 2013 request includes a decrease for the IDeA program, which received a 1-year increase in Fiscal Year 2012.

Details of the budget request for NIH are posted on the NIH Office of Budget Web site. The NIGMS request is detailed in our Fiscal Year 2013 budget justification, which includes a budget mechanism table, budget graphs, a Director’s overview and a justification narrative.

Filed under: Budget, Director’s Messages
Permalink: https://loop.nigms.nih.gov/index.php/2012/02/28/budget-update-for-fiscal-years-2012-and-2013/

View Comments (4)

  • dubious says:

    Does the 19% increase mean that more grants will be funded? I know GM does not use paylines, but would a grant in the 20% have a chance?


  • Judith Greenberg says:

    The 19% increase represents the transfer of funds associated with programs that moved from the former National Center for Research Resources to NIGMS, and therefore will have no effect on the success rate for R01 grants. As noted in an earlier post , we expect that the success rate (not the payline; see http://www.nigms.nih.gov/Research/Application/SuccessRateFAQs.htm) in Fiscal Year 2012 will be between 24% and 25%.


  • Steve Sprang says:

    Dear Dr. Greenberg,

    Could you comment on whether noncompeting renewals for CoBRE grants will likely be reduced in FY13, as a result of the proposed reduction in IDEA funding, or is continued funding expected to be flat? If cuts in non-competing CoBRE renewals are expected, how large are they likely to be?

    Thank you,

    Steve Sprang


    Judith Greenberg Reply:

    Until we have an appropriation and associated policy guidelines for Fiscal Year 2013, we will not know whether COBRE or other noncompeting awards will be reduced.


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