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  • Spinoff 2012
    Spinoff 2012: NASA Technologies Benefit Society

    Spinoff 2012 presents remarkable examples of spinoffs providing benefits around the world—saving lives, creating jobs, preserving resources, and more.

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  • NASA Administrator Charles Bolden
    Down-to-Earth Benefits from Space

    Actor/WriterNASA Administrator Charles Bolden commends NASA’s benefits for society and
    shares his favorite examples from Spinoff 2012.

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  • William Shatner Actor
    Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact

    Actor William Shatner describes how space technology transforms into medical
    innovations used on Earth.

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  • Athlete wearing sports apparel Under Armour which incorporates the Zephyr BioHarness
    Harnessing the Power of NASA Technology

    A device designed to monitor astronaut health now tracks the vital signs of athletes
    and soldiers.

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  • Space Shuttle flyover
    NASA Celebrates Spinoff Technologies from the Space Shuttle Program

    Among the award-winning spinoffs of the Space Shuttle Program are life-saving
    medical devices, energy-conserving insulation, and even protective eyewear.

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Spinoff Spotlights
Two Cricket Trailers
Space-Inspired Trailers Encourage Exploration on Earth
Architect Garret Finney says he found a whole new way to look at the world after he worked to create crew quarters for the International Space Station. Drawing directly on that experience, Finney founded a company to create unique, versatile recreational trailers that incorporate space habitat principles and features.
Photocatalytic Solutions Create Self-Cleaning Surfaces
Even on clear days, the air can be rife with particulate matter and other irritants. A NASA Dual-Use Technology partner developed and tested a coating that could break down pollutants, eliminate odors, and inhibit grime buildup. The spinoff is now being used to sanitize air in homes and to turn buildings into air purifiers.
QC Bot
Rovers Pave the Way for Hospital Robots
The Jet Propulsion Laboratory provided funding for the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop capabilities for robotics like Rocky 7. After developing the operating system for Rocky 7, Daniel Theobald used his expertise to incorporate systems based on the NASA work into a robot that is now used to ease logistics at hospitals. The ‘bot has been dubbed “a Mars rover in a hospital,” and has created 20 new jobs for the manufacturer.

Efficient Solar System
Efficient Cells Cut the Cost of Solar Power
Glenn Research Center engineer Bernard Sater spent his spare time developing a solar concentrator that would use less silicon, making solar arrays cheaper. After retiring from NASA, Sater and his son formed a company, and under a Space Act Agreement with Glenn, moved the technology toward commercialization. The business now employs 30 people thanks to its NASA partnership.

Rescue Swimmer
Emergency Systems Save Tens of Thousands of Lives
To improve distress signal communications, NASA pioneered the Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking system. The international system known as Cospas-Sarsat, which includes a private company’s beacon and ground station technology, has resulted in the rescue of more than 30,000 people.

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