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11/8/2012 – Deepwater HorizonNatural Resource Trustees Call for Public Input on Next Round of Gulf Restoration

04/18/2012 – Deepwater HorizonNatural Resource Trustees Announce Major Progress in Gulf Restoration Effort



12/14/2011 – Deepwater Horizon Natural Resource Trustees Call for Public Input on Early Restoration of the Gulf


10/27/2011 – NOAA finds bacterial infection as cause of death for five northern Gulf dolphins; investigation continues


4/21/2011 – NRDA Trustees announce $1 billion agreement to fund early Gulf Coast restoration projects


2/19/2011 – Federal Natural Resource Trustees Announce Next Step in BP Deepwater Horizon Spill Gulf Restoration Process



11/4/2010 – Federal & Academic Scientists Return from Deep-sea Research Cruise in Gulf of Mexico


10/21/2010 – NOAA, Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and Audubon Nature Institute Return Sea Turtles to Gulf Waters

10/4/2010 – Transcript: NOAA Administrator’s Keynote Address on NOAA Science and the Gulf Oil Spill


9/29/2010 – Resource Restoration Planning Process Begins for BP/Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

9/27/2010 – Notice of Intent to Conduct Restoration Planning

9/7/ 2010 – No Dead Zones Observed or Expected as Part of BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill


8/202010 – Scientists Map Origin of Large, Underwater Hydrocarbon Plume in Gulf

8/18 2010 – Scientists Release the First Rescued, Rehabilitated Sea Turtles Back into the Gulf

8/4/2010 – Federal Science Report Details Fate of Oil from BP Spill


7/30/2010 – NOAA: Gulf’s Surface Oil Not a Threat to Southern Florida, Keys and East Coast

7/28/2010 – Update on NOAA’s Oil Spill Research and Response Missions

7/23/2010 – Second Federal Analysis Gives Further Clues about Location and Movement of Subsurface Oil

7/21/2010 – NOAA Releases Data Report on Air Quality Measurements Near the Deepwater Horizon/BP Oil Spill Area

7/9/2010 – NOAA, U.S., Brazilian Partners Send Ship to Study Corals, Water Column for Gulf Oil Spill Response

7/8/2010 – Protecting Wild Dolphins During the Gulf Oil Spill

7/2/2010 – NOAA Models Long-Term Oil Threat to Gulf and East Coast Shoreline


6/29/2010 – NOAA, FDA, and Gulf Coast State Officials Affirm Commitment to Ensuring Safety of Gulf Coast Seafood

6/23/2010 – Administration’s Joint Analysis Group Releases First Scientific Report on Subsea Monitoring data from Gulf Spill

6/17/2010 – NOAA Conducts Tests to Determine Fate of Whale Found Dead in Gulf of Mexico

6/14/2010 – Federal Agencies Introduce Online Mapping Tool to Track Gulf Response

6/13/2010 – Update on NOAA’s Oil Spill Research Missions

6/8/10 – NOAA Deploys Additional High Powered Research Aircraft to Gulf to Help Monitor Air Quality

6//2110 – NOAA Completes Initial Analysis of Weatherbird II Water Samples


5/28/2010 – UNH Coastal Response Research Center, NOAA, EPA and Coast Guard Convene Science Meeting to Study Dispersant Use and Ecosystem Impacts of Dispersed Oil in the Gulf of Mexico

5/28/2010 – NOAA Assists With Multi-Agency Effort to Decontaminate Ships Passing through Oil Spill

5/26/2010 – NOAA, Navy Partner to Monitor Ocean Conditions Near Spill Area

5/24/2010 – NOAA Baseline Sampling of Sediment, Shellfish and Water Sets Stage for BP Oil Spill Damage Assessment