Laboratory Partners

Nine DOE national laboratories share the responsibility of managing and operating the ARM Climate Research Facility. This unique partnership supports the DOE mission to provide for the energy security of the nation. This mission includes climate impacts of current and future energy production and developing solutions based on a sound energy strategy. Each laboratory has specific roles and responsibilities as described below.

Argonne National Laboratory (ANL): Responsible for management of the Southern Great Plains site, the largest, most extensive ARM site; development and operation of the second ARM Mobile Facility; securing the data systems and communications for each of the ARM sites; and leading all the instrument mentors as well as mentorship of select instruments.

Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL): Responsible for the External Data Center and systems engineering support, including the collection of field campaign data sets, instrument mentorship, value-added processing, web services, database development, and data collection software development.

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBL): Responsible for mentorship of carbon flux instruments.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL): Responsible for the evaluation, testing, and integration of sub-gridscale processes into global climate models.

Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL): Responsible for managing the Tropical Western Pacific sites, operating the original ARM Mobile Facility, development and maintenance of process-driven web-based applications, and assisting with the education and outreach program.

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL): Responsible for the mentorship of broadband radiometers.

Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL): Responsible for the Data Archive and providing web-based data product request services for the user community. The Archive also provides data reprocessing services and support.

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL): Responsible for implementing the overall technical direction of the user facility and operations oversight, including instrument systems, data processing, site data systems and communications, external data, and field safety. Key components include the Data Quality Office, field campaign coordination, ARM website content management and design, instrument and software engineering, public information products and services, education outreach, and program budget integration.

PNNL is also responsible for the ARM Aerial Facility and mentorship of select instruments and hosts the Data Management Facility that processes data from all the ARM research sites.

Sandia National Laboratories (SNL): Responsible for managing the North Slope of Alaska sites and mentorship of select instruments.