Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Computer, Computational, and Statistical Sciences, CCS


Pioneers in simulation and
   simulation-based knowledge

Information Sciences performs computer science research in performance analysis and modeling of extreme-scale parallel systems and applications, pattern recognition and machine learning, knowledge systems and computational linguistics, computational biology, multilevel solvers, and quantum computing. Our work is highly recognized both within the world's computer science community and for its value to LANL missions critical to the nation's security.

Large-Scale Socio-Technical Simulations

We are also a national leader in applied mathematics and computer science for scientific and engineering foundations of simulation for socio-technical systems. It also has a well-earned reputation for simulation-based experiments and design and analysis of such systems. The group implements an integrated discrete simulation science program that includes applied mathematical research, algorithmic and computational complexity research, high-performance computing based design and system development, new engineering approaches to simulation architectures, efficient data storage, and knowledge engineering. Its recent efforts have included simulation and modeling of urban transportation networks (TRANSIMS), simulation of the spread of diseases under various scenarios (EpiSimS), and simulations involving telecommunications networks (MIITA).

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