United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Psychology Training

Application and Selection Procedures


All Veterans Affairs Psychology Internship Programs are members of the Association of Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and agree to follow APPIC and the National Matching Service’s policies and procedures regarding internship selection and the Match process.  No person at VA Internship Programs will solicit, accept, or use any ranking-related information from any intern applicant.

All applicants must submit the APPIC Application for Psychology Internship (AAPI) as per APPIC procedures, as well as graduate transcripts and letters of recommendation.  Some VA sites may require supplemental information as well, such as cover letters, CVs, additional forms, or work samples.  Please check the website of the individual programs to be sure that you complete and send all relevant information.  Clinical work samples must be de-identified of client or patient identifying information.

Post-application procedures vary among VA Internship Programs, with some offering one or more of the following:  on-site interviews, telephone interviews, open houses, or no interview.  If interviews are offered, VA Internship Programs will notify all applicants of their interview status (e.g., invited, not invited).  Each individual program uses site-specific selection criteria, with different emphases placed on a variety of applicant interests, background, and experience.  Please check the website of the individual programs to determine their particular selection criteria and procedures.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is an Equal Opportunity Employer; all of our training programs are committed to insuring a range of diversity among our training classes.

The APPIC Directory
To view the APPIC Directory, obtain the most recent version of the AAPI, and to access APPIC Policies, go to the APPIC website at www.appic.org.*  The National Matching Service can also be accessed through the APPIC website, or directly at www.natmatch.com/psychint/.*

* External Link Disclaimer: Links marked with an asterisk ( * ) are external links. By clicking on these links, you will leave the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked website. The link will open in a new window.


All Veterans Affairs Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship Programs are members of the Association of Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC) and agree to follow APPIC policies and procedures regarding selection.  Most Neuropsychology fellowship programs participate in the APPCN Match program.  Many other VA fellowship programs participate in a voluntary Uniform Notification Date plan by which participating programs make offers to prospective fellows on the same date.

Application procedures vary from program to program.

The Department of Veterans Affairs is an Equal Opportunity Employer; all of our training programs are committed to insuring a range of diversity among our training classes.


Once you have been sleected for a VA program, you will be required to complete a set of application forms, some of which are made available below. The facility where you have been selected may have additional requirements.

Required Application Forms
Selected Applicants Only  

Each program may have additional application requirements.

VA Form 10-2850d
VA Rules of Behavior

All forms in
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