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Educational Exchange


EducationUSA is a U.S. Department of State-supported network of hundreds of advising centers around the world. Each year, EducationUSA advisers provide millions of international students with accurate, comprehensive, and current information about how to apply to U.S. colleges and universities. EducationUSA staff also work with U.S. higher education professionals to promote international student recruitment.
In addition to providing print and online materials at EducationUSA Advising Centers, advisers reach prospective student audiences through fairs and outreach events at local schools, universities, and other public venues. Extending outreach beyond personal interaction, the network reaches millions of students through websites, webinars, and social media platforms. Explaining the incredibly diverse U.S. higher education landscape and decentralized admission process for thousands of U.S. institutions is a monumental task. EducationUSA has simplified the path a prospective international student takes to reach his/her goal of studying in the United States with "Your 5 Steps to U.S. Study": (1) Research Your Options, (2) Complete Your Application, (3) Finance Your Studies, (4) Apply for Your Student Visa, and (5) Prepare for Your Departure.”