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I Marine Expeditionary Force

From Every Clime and Place

Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)

The Functions of the SJA are as Follows:

1. Reviews CONPLANS and OPLANS for compatibility with international law, U.S. statutes, and implementing regulations.

2. Provides advice on the formulation and interpretation of Rules of Engagement (ROE).

3. Advises staff with respect to legal issues that surface during operations/exercises for Foreign Claims and Criminal/civil jurisdiction.

4. Provides guidance on prisoner-of-war matters.

5. Provides guidance in matters pertaining to military assistance to civil law enforcement, plus national and international drug interdiction efforts.

6. Provides guidance in matters pertaining to military responsibility in asylum, refugee, and temporary refugee cases.

7. Advises staff on the interplay of treaties, international agreements, SOFAs, U.S. national policy, security assistance; and their effect on military plans and operations

8. Assists with negotiations in status of forces agreements.

9. Conducts liaison and coordination with the legal staffs of State Department, diplomatic missions, JCS, USPACOM/USCENTCOM/USNORTHCOM components, DOD, DOJ, DOE, and other nations within theater.

10. Provides guidance on humanitarian law.

11. Provides intelligence and standards of conduct oversight.

12. Advises Public Affairs Officer on public releases.

13. Advises staff on the negotiation of contracts with indigenous organizations.

Phone Directory and Points of Contact

Commercial dialing is (760) XXX-XXXX. DSN is (312) 365-XXXX for numbers with a "725-" prefix; DSN is (312) 361-XXXX for numbers with a "763-" prefix.


Phone Number

Staff Judge Advocate


Deputy Staff Judge Advocate


Legal Chief


Legal Clerk



Navy Judge Advocate General Corps

Army Judge Advocate General Corps

Code of Federal Regulations