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I Marine Expeditionary Force

From Every Clime and Place

Contingency Marine Air/Ground Task Force Command Element (MAGTF CE)

The Contingency MAGTF CE provides the "core" for a contingency MAGTF Headquarters (MEF (FWD)).

It consists of a Commanding General (DCG or other General officer as directed by the CG) and a staff as required for contingency planning and transition to operations.

The functions provided by Contingency MAGTF CE are:

(a) Deploys to COCOM's Area of Responsibility (AOR) for employment as part of a Joint, Combined, or Multinational Force.

(b) Plans and coordinates operations as directed across the range of military operations in any expeditionary environment.

(c) Provides the nucleus of a JTF headquarters staff for small-scale contingency (SSC) operations, to include combat, Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA), Foreign Disaster Relief (DR), and Consequence Management (CM) operations.

(d) Maintains the capability to operate with Joint, combined, Multinational forces.

(e) Provides military support to civil authorities as directed.

(f) Conducts force deployment planning and execution (FDP& E).

(g) Serves as the lead echelon of Marine Expeditionary Force Command Element (CE), as required.

(h) Assumes Operational control (OPCON)/Tactical Control (TACON) of Joint, Combined or Multinational forces, as required.

(i) Performs the staff functions necessary to fulfill component responsibilities, as required.

(j) Develops and maintains proficiency in expeditionary operational planning, coordination, C2, support and execution. Specific focus and staff advocacy are amphibious and MPF Operations.

(k) Executes other operational tasks as may be directed.