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Amendments to the Law On Entrepreneurship, 10 August 2009.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

On 22 June 2009, the Milli Majilis adopted the Law on Making Changes to the Law on Entrepreneurship Activity; The Amendment does not yet have the force and effect of law because the President has yet to sign it. If it were to be signed by the President, it would become section 3 of Article 10 of the Law on Entrepreneurship Activity (‘LEA’)

Once in force, these new provisions will have serious effect on all of the branches and rep offices of the companies operating in Azerbaijan.
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Caucasus Environmental Infrastructure and Green Energy Investment and Finance Summit 2009

Friday, July 31, 2009

Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia are entering a new phase of economic recovery by concentrating their efforts on regional co-operation and sustainable development - particularly in the sector of environmental infrastructure, power, new energy, transport and green investment.

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Consumer Price Index July 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
AmCham Azerbaijan Index of Prices (AAIP)
Over the last year (the base is 100 at 30 June 2008) the AAIP rose by 11.89 percent for Azerbaijani consumers and 11.72 for Expatriate consumers. In the 2nd quarter of 2009 the AAIP rose by 1.69 percent for Azerbaijani consumers and 1.82 for Expatriate consumers. The largest upward effects on the AAIP rate came from Dairy & related products, Meats, poultry, fish & meat products and Non‐durable household goods,where Index of Prices rose by 9.17, 2.24 and 1.77 percent respectively.

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committee highlights

HR Committee - 24 June 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Our last HR committee meeting with over 20 attendees was held to discuss recent changes to Labor Code, as well as to follow up on the speech given by Mr. Arzu Raghimov , the Head of State Migration Services at the AmCham Luncheon of May 27. Read More

Tax & Customs Committee - 12 June 2009

Friday, June 12, 2009
Tax & Customs committee meeting was called on June 12th to discuss general update on progress of TCC issues. Along with these discussions questions raised by a member company, Exxon Azerbaijan Limited have been also clarified. Second part of meeting was devoted to presentation on "Expected Changes in Tax Code" by Arzu Hajiyeva the Senior Manager of Ernst & Young. Read More
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