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Marine Corps Base Quantico

"Crossroads of the Marine Corps"

Safety Division

Develop, institutionalize, and sustain a proactive mishap prevention program that ensures force protection and readiness for all MCB Quantico Commands and Tenant Activities.



Asbestos Safety Program
Program Summary:

 Asbestos exposure poses a health concern. Supervisors are responsible for the health of employees exposed to asbestos.

 The Industrial Hygiene Office determines employees’ exposure. These employees must receive a pre-employment asbestos physical; Occupational Health determines the frequency of the next physical.

 Public Works Branch (PWB) employees manage contracts involving asbestos.

Training Requirements:

 Employees who may be exposed to asbestos are required to attend a two-hour Asbestos Awareness training module. (29 CFR 1910.1001, 29 CFR 1926.1101, and NAVMC DIR 5100.8).

PWB employees involved with asbestos contracts. Training required depends on employee’s role in contracting. Contact the Naval Safety Center at (757) 444-3520 and Virginia Commonwealth University Center for Environmental Studies at (804) 828-7202. (NAVMC DIR 5100.8, Chap 15 and MCBO 5100.1C, Chap 18)

Program Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 784-2752.

Bloodborne Pathogens

The prevention of Bloodborne Pathogens (BBP) Safety Officer oversees identified occupations (e.g., military police, firefighters, and life guards) as having a reasonable possibility of contact with human blood in the performance of routine work duties, per the Base Exposure Control Plan.

Barriers can be created through engineering controls, work practices, the wearing of PPE, vaccinations, and housekeeping measures to help break the chain of infection for these occupations.

General Information:

The BBP program manager attends a one week, OSHA-approved specialty training class. This individual is then certified to present initial and annual refresher training for those individuals in identified occupations.

Contact Information:

For more information or BBP-related training, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 784-2752.

Command Safety Council

The Command Safety Council meets on a quarterly basis and is chaired by the Commander or Chief of Staff.

Minimum membership includes, in accordance with MCBO P5100.1:

  • Maintenance
  • Medical
  • Training personnel and MCCS officials
  • Safety Manager
  • Provost Marshal
  • Civilian employees representative

Safety Manager shall ensure the preparation, publication and retention of the minutes.

General Information:

The purpose of the Council includes several aspects such as the following:

  • Consideration of new standards, policies, procedures, recommendations, etc. involving safety & health.
  • Reviewing mishap trends and analysis of the command, and developing recommendations on physical or structural alterations designed to eliminate or control hazards.
  • Developing educational and promotional activities that create and maintain an interest in safety and increase the emphasis on mishap prevention.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 784-5127.

Confined Space

Numerous confined spaces exist aboard MCB, Quantico. Examples of these are fuel cells of aircraft or large vessels, underground or aboveground storage tanks, storm water or wastewater manholes, and communications (i.e., telephone) vaults.

The following three characteristics define a confined space: 1) Space NOT designed for routing human occupancy; 2) Large enough for bodily entry, 3) Has restricted access or entry.

In addition to this, a confined space does have to be a covered enclosure; hence, trenches deeper than four feet are also confined spaces. Confined spaces aboard MCB, Quantico have been identified, but are a constantly changing item, due to new construction and re-design, maintenance, etc.

General Information:

Federal law requires that anyone who will, in the execution of their duties be entering a confined space, be adequately qualified. The initial class requires two days, while the annual refresher is two hours long.

Qualified persons are presented with a wallet cards upon successfully completing the course. (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146, OPNAVINST 5100.23, and MCO 5100.8)

Contact Information:

For more information or if there is a doubt of whether a location is a confined space or not, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 432-1127.

Program Summary:

Ergonomics is the field of study that involves the application of knowledge about human capacities and limitations to the design of workplaces, jobs, tasks, tools, equipment, and the environment.

Ergonomics is essentially fitting the workplace to the worker. The primary goal of ergonomics in the workplace is to reduce the risk of injuries and illnesses (cumulative trauma disorders or CTDs) by reducing or eliminating worker exposure to work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WRMSD) hazards.

Training Requirements:

Ensure newly appointed supervisors, managers, and employees receive appropriate ergonomics training.

Explosives Safety Officer (ESO)

Program Summary:

The ESO is responsible to the Base Commander for oversight of programs involving the storage, handling and transportation of ammunition and explosives (A&E) on and off Base; annual explosives safety inspections (AESI); compliance with regulations that govern A&E policies; and the interactions with DoD agencies that enforce A&E policies, such as NOSSA (Naval Ordnance Safety & Security Activity), DDESB (Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board), and AMHAZ (Ammunition and Hazardous Materials Safety Board).

Training Requirements:

Training courses for various explosives related programs can be taken via CBT (Computer Based Training). Information on these courses can be found on the Defense Ammunition Center web-site.

Personnel with questions on explosives policies and regulations should contact the ESO for guidance and clarification.

Below are Explosive Safety Links:

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 432-1092.

Hazard Communication Program
Program Summary:

Hazard Communication (HAZCOM, or also known as the "Right to Know" law [RTK]) is required by Federal OSHA for any workers that work with, handle, or may be exposed to hazardous chemicals and chemical products in the work place, either by working proximity or by accidental release. This applies to office workspaces, as well as industrial areas.

Items covered in this familiarization class are: Physical and Health Hazards of Chemicals, Basic Federal Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200), Local Written Program, Material Safety Data Sheets, Labeling and Local Training Requirements.

Training Requirements:

Work center supervisors and all personnel who handle or use chemicals,
Marine or civilian. In addition, as it is a familiarization class, any
personnel may attend for their own information and training. Detailed
training requirements are found in the Hazard Communication Standard: 29 CFR 1910.1200(h) -Employee Information and Training, and 29 CFR 1910.1200, Appendix E.4.c.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 784-2752.

LASER Program

All LASER Safety Officers (LSOs) within program areas such as LASERS and radio-frequency (RF) emitters are considered technical advisors for the use of all LASER classes.

  • All Class 3b and 4 LASERs require programs be established. For further information on Class 3b and 4 LASERs contact the base Technical LASER Safety Officer (TLSO).
  • The TLSO reviews the purpose of all proposed LASERs to be used on the Base, conducts basic LASER safety training to LASER users, confirms and conducts Class 3b and 4 LASER inventories, but is not qualified to perform LASER or LASER range hazard evaluations and calculations.

LASER users are personnel who require the use of LASER emitting devices to perform daily operations.

The RF Safety Officer (RFSO) ensures RF energies are at a safe level, where whole body exposures are kept to a minimum in duration and power.

General Information:

To schedule LSO or RFSO training contact the TLSO.

LASER users are trained by the TLSO. Training courses for LASER related programs could be scheduled through the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division.

Personnel with questions on LASER or RF policies and regulations should contact the TLSO for guidance and clarification.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 784-2530.

Lead Safety
Program Summary:

Supervisors are responsible for the health of employees exposed to lead. Industrial Hygiene will determine the employees’ exposure. An exposure greater than, or equal to, the ‘action level’ must receive initial and annual training.

Employees must know how they are exposed to lead, the signs of exposure and how to protect themselves.

Training Requirements:

Per 29 CFR 1910.11025, employees must receive training on lead hazards before they are exposed and annually.


To promulgate instructions and provide guidelines, practices and procedures necessary to disable machinery or equipment and prevent release of potentially hazardous energy while maintenance and servicing activities are being performed aboard Marine Corps Base, Quantico (MCBO P5100.1C, Chapter 10).

General Information:

Lockout/Tagout is part of a complete energy control program designed to provide employees with guidelines on how to recognize and control hazardous energy sources. Lockout, not tagout, is the preferred method for energy control. Workplace supervisor shall ensure energy control procedures are developed and maintained and ensure that all military and civilian personnel understand established LO/TO procedures.

Contact Information:

For more information, please call the Program Manager at (703) 784-5126.

MCBQ 10-Hour General Industry Training

Safety training is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), this training equips the supervisor with the information necessary to guide the workers in the workspace.

Items covered in this module are standards, supervisors’ responsibilities, and other tools available to assist the supervisor in mishap prevention and force protection. Annual refresher training (Supervisor Safety Refresher) is also mandated by OSHA and is provided online at the Quantico Testing Module website.

General Information:

All supervisors of active duty military or civilian personnel, per MCO 5100.8 and 29 CFR 1960.55, are required to attend the training. The training is approximately 10 hours in length and will be completed over a 2-day period.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 432-1129.

Mishap Investigation and Reporting

Mishap investigation is one of the fundamental tools to ensure a safe and healthful working environment for military and civilian personnel.

Mishap records and reports are required by Federal law and provide information to identify unsafe acts and conditions and to apply corrective or preventive measures to preclude recurrence.

General Information:

All supervisors of active duty Marines or civilian personnel and unit safety representatives (USR) are trained in the program requirements of mishap investigation and reporting via Ground Safety for Marines, Supervisor Safety Awareness and Refresher, USR Bi-Monthly Meetings, and as requested by individual commands/activities. (MCBO P5100.1 and OSHA 29 CFR 1904)

Additionally, supervisors and USRs are educated on the importance on properly reporting all mishaps to Base Safety and reportable mishaps in the Web-Enabled Safety System (WESS) on-line reporting data retrieval system. USRs are encouraged to become familiar with WESS and utilize the WESS worksheets from the Naval Savety Center website when collecting information for mishap reporting.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 784-5385.

Motor Vehicle Licensing
Program Summary:

The Drivers Training branch is responsible to the Base Commander for the training and the licensing of all Commercial motor vehicle operators on MCB Quantico.

The Drivers Training staff works closely with all units, departments and services to provide training and classroom instruction as well as issue licenses that are in accordance with all current DOD, Navy, and Marine Corps standards.

Training Requirements:

There are many licensing requirements for Commercial Motor Vehicles. The Drivers Training Branch staff has a vast knowledge of each, and are able to answer any questions about most commercial vehicles.

With a choice of over 8 different classes available, training and licensing can cover vehicles of 11/4ton design up to and including Tractor Trailers. There are classes available such as the AAA Drivers Improvement Course as well as Remedial Drivers Improvement Course.

Having 2 classrooms to choose from, (one with a capacity of over 30 students and one that has a capacity of 12 students,) training can reach a large number of personnel or be tailored for a better instructor to student ratio.

All road test are conducted on Fridays, and all license transaction are performed on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Special arrangements may be available on a case-by-case basis simply by calling ahead and talking to any member of the staff.

Driver's Training Section: (703) 784-2120

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Program Summary:

The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Program is established to ensure the protection of all MCB Quantico, and all tenant activity personnel, during the performance of their assigned tasks, through the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

This special equipment and/or clothing will be worn for occupational protection against biological, chemical, or physical hazards when engineering or administrative controls can not eliminate the hazard.

Training Requirements:

Personnel required to use PPE will be trained in the selection, use, and care of PPE and maintaining records of this training.

Radiation Safety

The Installation Radiation Safety Officer (IRSO) is responsible for ensuring the Commander is aware of all radiological issues.

These duties include:

  • Maintaining an accurate inventory of all radioactive items on base
  • Inspecting activities that possess or use radioactive items
  • Providing training to activity-assigned radiation protection assistants (RPA)
  • Inspecting all radioactive material shipments that arrive and depart the base
  • Collecting unserviceable radioactive material devices in a low-level radioactive waste (LLRW) locker
  • Supervising radiation waste pick-ups
  • Directing abatement actions at all radioactive emergencies
  • Promoting radiation safety
  • The ultimate goal is to keep all radioactive exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA)

The RPA is responsible for ensuring the unit’s commanding officer is aware of all radiological issues. The RPA is a critical member of the command, and is appointed to assist the Command Radiation Safety Officer (CRSO) or IRSO in administration of the command or installation RADCON Program. RPAs will be appointed in areas of use, maintenance, transportation, storage, and facilities involved with packaging, receipt, and shipment of radioactive commodities.

General Information:

The IRSO and RSO of major activities complete formal training from the Radiological Affairs Support Office in Yorktown, VA.

Activity RPAs are taught by the IRSO. Users of radioactive sources are trained by the RPA. RPAs must receive annual radiation safety awareness training.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 784-2530.

Respiratory Protection Program

In their work employees can be exposed to respiratory hazards I.E. inadequate oxygen and air contaminants. Exposure to these hazards could be harmful to employees’ health.

In order to protect employees’ health, supervisors must ensure exposed employees, as determined by Industrial Hygiene, receive a pre-employment and annual respirator physical, training and fit-testing. Employees must know what they are exposed to, how they are exposed and how to protect themselves.

Supervisors’ first goal is to remove the hazard. Their second goal will be to use administrative controls to prevent a hazardous exposure. As a last resort, personal protective equipment (respirator) will be used.

The following organizations are required to participate withe the Respiratory Protection Program:

  • G-3 Division
  • G-4 Division
  • Security Battalion
  • National Museum of the Marine Corps
  • The Basic School
  • Weapons Training Battalion

General Information:

Per 29 CFR 1910.134, personnel using a respirator must receive training before use and annually. To receive training, the person must be clean-shaved and has received a physical.

Contact Information:

For more information, please contact the Program Manager at (703) 432-1115.

Safety Training Registration
Base Safety Division has a comprehensive and proactive training program established to enhance community awareness.  These classes range from initial to refresher training and are open to all military and DoD civilians. Click the link below to access the website and sign up for our upcoming training:

Safety Training Registration

Seatbelt Survey
Program Summary:

The Drivers Training Branch is responsible to the Base Commander for conducting and oversight of Seat Belt Surveys. The Seat Belt surveys help to ensure that the mandatory use of seatbelts on station is being followed and provides the Base Commander with accurate up to date statistics on the use of seatbelts.

The surveys are conducted 4 times a month at random locations at random times. The surveys count both Civilian, Commercially owned vehicles, and also Government owned vehicles.

The Drivers Training Branch coordinates with PMO and the Road Masters section while conducting the surveys to help enforce the seatbelt regulation by issuing on the spot traffic citations to motorist that have chosen to not wear a seatbelt.

Training Requirements:

The Drivers Training Branch has many different types of seatbelt training options available to all units and departments aboard Quantico. These include Drivers Improvement training, Child Seat Safety, and the Convincer, a frontal collision simulator.

Sight Conservation
Program Summary:

The Sight Conservation Program is established to ensure protection is provided to all MCB Quantico, and all tenant activity personnel, during the performance of their assigned tasks, in eye hazard areas, where there is the possibility of eye injury from dust, abrasives, chemicals, or other potential hazards.

Training Requirements:

Supervisors should inform new employees of eye hazard areas and what type eye protection is required.

Sports & Recreation
Program Summary:

Injuries incurred via sports and recreational activities, both on and off duty, continue to account for the second largest source of fatalities, hospitalizations, lost-time injuries and injuries leading to limited assignments in the Marine Corp.

In an effort to reduce both the severity and frequency of mishaps from recreational and sporting events, safety awareness and mishap prevention must be actively and continually stressed to all participants.

Training Requirements:

Periodic Safety Training is required at all MCCS activities for the MCCS staff.

Traffic Safety
Program Summary:

The Traffic Safety Branch has a vast knowledge of traffic safety issues. Using a large library of motor vehicle laws and traffic regulations, Traffic Safety is capable of providing traffic safety information to any department or organization that requires support.

Traffic Safety host the “Safe Drive Working Group” which provides information to Safety Division, Public Works and other interested organizations in the use, care and serviceability of the roads, streets and all related components associated with Traffic Safety on Marine Corps Base, Quantico.

Training Requirements:


Link to Traffic Safety Website

Unit Safety Representative (USR) Program
Program Summary:

The USR program Manager is responsible for the establishment and maintenance of an active USR program which is critical to effective mishap prevention.

USR's will be critical to effective mishap prevention. USR's will be appointed and trained to be knowledgeable and active in the main areas of Hazard Recognition, Hazard Abatement Procedures, and Mishap Investigation, reporting and recording.

Training Requirements:

The newly appointed USR’s are required to receive training conducted by Safety Division within 30 days of being appointed by the employing organization.

Collateral Duty Safety and primary USR’s must also attend the 80-hour Ground Safety for Marines course and remain in the billet for one year after completion. Additional training courses are available through the Navy Safety Center and The National Resource Center for OSHA training. Information on these courses can be found on the Navy Safety Center web site and the OSHA Training Center.

Personnel with questions on the USR Program should contact the Program Manager.

Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)
The Commander of Marine Corps Base, Quantico (MCBQ) has determined MCBQ will apply for VPP Star Status beginning with the program managers.


Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will assess the base safety program in January of 2011.


Management commitment and employee Involvement are two of the four elements of the OSHA VPP. A site that achieves VPP Star Status has proven to OSHA that they have obtained excellence in safety. Excellence in safety starts with an organization accepting all safety and health procedures and policies set forth by the required OSHA guidelines and the site.



MCBQ will obtained VPP Status only if all personnel are proactively involved in safety and health efforts, thus requiring management to be committed in achieving an effective occupational health and safety program in general and to the specific requirements of VPP. One of the questions the assessment team will ask is “What is VPP?” The below links will provide a general understanding of VPP to answer this question.



All About VPP
MCA VPP December 2009 Newsletter
MCA VPP February 2010 Newsletter
The Three Cs of VPP
VPP CX Brief-Why VPP Is Important to DoD
VPP Mission Union Paper
VPP Tool Kit

Contact US
3250 Catlin Avenue, Suite 101
Quantico,VA 22134-5001
Main Office:
(703) 784-2866
(703) 784-5125
Driver's Training Branch:
(703) 784-2120
Driver's Training Fax:
(703) 784-4276