Argonne National Laboratory
Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors
Nuclear Engineering Division at Argonne
U.S. Department of Energy

Home  :: 2009 International RERTR Meeting  :: Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the 2009 RERTR Meeting

2009 International RERTR Meeting

Abstracts and Available Papers Presented at the Meeting

The “31th RERTR 2009 International Meeting on Reduced Enrichment for Research and Test Reactors” was held in Beijing, China from November 1-5, 2009. The available abstracts and papers that were presented at this meeting are provided below.

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Welcome to China and RERTR-2009

  • A Welcome from the President of the China Institute of Atomic Energy
    Zhao ZhiXiang

Open Programmatic Remarks

  • An Overview of the NNSA Global Threat Reduction Programs Goals for HEU Minimization
    A. Bieniawski
  • International Atomic Energy Agency Programs Supporting HEU Minimization
    P. Adelfang

International Perspectives and Progress on HEU Minimization

International Programs and Perspectives on Fuel Development

  • S3-P1 US Progress in LEU Fuel Development
    D. Wachs
  • S3-P2 Current Status of the Development of High Density LEU Fuel for Russian Research Reactors
    A. Vatulin, I. Dobrikova, V. Suprun, G. Kulakov, A. Izhutov, E. Novoselov, V. Alexandrov, A. Ykovlev, V. Shishin
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 1.1MB]
  • S3-P3 The Development Status of U-Mo Alloy Fuel in NPIC
    C. Yin, J. Chen, C. Sun, Y. Liu
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 276KB]
  • S3-P4 The LEONIDAS and US Partnership for UMo Dispersion Fuel Qualification
    E. Koonen, H.Guyon, P. Lemoine, C. Jarousse, D. Wachs, J. Stevens
  • S3-P5 Method of Utilizing the Stabilizing Effect of Silicon in U-Mo-Al Dispersion Fuel and Minimum Si Addition Required for Given Operating Conditions
    G. Hofman, Y-S. Kim, A. Robinson

Conversion Experience and Planning

Fuel Development - Irradiation Testing

  • S5-P1 Results of the IRIS4 Irradiation in OSIRIS Reactor
    M. Ripert, F. Charollais, M. C. Anselmet, X. Tiratay, P. Lemoine
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 1.1MB]
  • S5-P2 The Status of LEU U-Mo Fuel Investigation in the MIR Reactor
    A. Izhutov, V. Alexandrov, A. Novosyolov, V. Starkov, A. Sheldyakov, V. Shishin, V. Yakovlev, I. Dobrikova, A. Vatulin, V. Suprun, Ye. Kartashov, V. Lukichev
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 3.8MB]
  • S5-P3 Qualification of the BR2-EVITA Loop and Irradiation of the First JHR Lead Test Assembly
    P. Lemoine, M. Anselmet, E. Koonen, Ph. Benoit, Ph. Gouat, G. Miras, S. Brisson
  • S5-P4 Irradiation Performance of U-Mo alloy Based ‘Monolithic’ Plate-type Fuel Design Selection
    A. Robinson, G. Chang, D. Keiser, D. Wachs, and D. Porter
  • S5-P5 Effect of Burnup and Irradiation Temperature on Crystalline Phase Evolution in Al-UMo Dispersion Fuel
    D. Sears, B. Leitch, G. Edwards, I. Swainson, R. Rogge

Fuel Development Poster Session

Mo-99 Production Development

  • S7-P1 Installation and Commissioning a New LEU Based Mo-99 Plant in Australia
    M. Druce
  • S7-P2 Overview of Argonne Progress in Developing LEU-Based Processes for the Production of Mo-99
    G. Vandegrift, D. Stepinski, A. Ziegler, E. Krahn, J. Fortner, K. Quigley, C. Mertz, S. Chemerisov, J. Jerden Jr., A. Hebden, A. Guelis, and A. Bakel
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 178KB]
  • S7-P3 On a New Way of Large-Scale Mo-99 Production in Molten Salt Fluoride Fuel
    D. Chuvilin, V. Zagryadskiy
  • S7-P4 Update on Operational Experience of Zirconium Molybdate –  Mo-99 Gel Generator Production in India
    S. Sarkar, C. Kothalkar, P. Naskar, P. Saraswathy, A.Dey, A. Kohli, V.Meera, V. Venugopal
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 124KB]
  • S7-P5 Fostering Additional Sources of Molybdenum-99 Production for Supporting Nuclear Medicine Services and Progress in the IAEA CRP on Molybdenum Production from LEU or Neutron Activation
    N. Ramamoorthy, I. Goldman, P. Adelfang

US High Performance Reactor Conversion

Fuel Development - Fabrication

HEU Minimization in Sub-Critical Facilities

Minimization, Transportation and Fuel Disposition

  • S11-P1 Experience in Certification of Transportations Under RRRFR Program
    A. Buchelnikov
  • S11-P2 Thermal Decay Heat of High Enriched Uranium Spent Nuclear Fuel of TAJOURA Nuclear Research Reactor
    F. Bsebsu
  • S11-P3 Approaches and Methods to Ensure Safety of International Transport of Russian Research Reactor SNF
    S. Komarov, M. Baryshnikov, B. Kanashov and A. Smirnov, A. Buchelnikov
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 539KB]
  • S11-P4 Shipment of Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) From Badan Tenaga Nuklir National Reactor in Serpong-tangrang Indonesia to the Savannah River Site in Aiken SC
    E. Parker, C. Messick, I. Suryantoro, T. Andes, M. Valenzano
  • S11-P5 Loading and Utilization of NAC-LWT at Research and Test Reactor Facilities
    J. Adam

Mo-99 Production - Technology Development

  • S12-P1 Engineering of LEU-Foil Based Mo-99 Target for High Volume Production
    G. Solbrekken, K. Turner, C. Allen
    Posted on: Mon, Oct. 10, 2011  | [ PDF, 697KB]
  • S12-P2 Alternative Methods for Digesting Irradiated LEU Foil Targets to Produce Mo-99 in Alkaline Media
    A. Guelis, A. Bakel, J. Jerden, K. Quigley and G. Vandegrift, M. Precek
  • S12-P3 A Simple, Inexpensive and User-friendly Technigue for Separation of Tc-99m from Mo-99 Produced by Neutron Activation of Mo-98 via the Mo-98(n,g)Mo-99
    S. Chattopadhyay, S. Saha Das and L. Barua
  • S12-P4 Modeling of Excessive Power Accidents for a Proposed Research Reactor in Core Fission Mo-99 Production
    M. Gaheen, M. Shaat
  • S12-P5 An Evaluation of Mo-99 Target Waste Proliferation Risks
    F. Dalnoki-Veress, C. Hansell, M. Pomper

HEU Minimization Poster Session

Fuel Performance

Safety Analysis

Conversion Analysis and Methods

2012 RERTR Meeting

The 2012 International RERTR Meeting (RERTR-2012) took place in Warsaw, Poland from Oct. 14-17, 2012..
For more information visit RERTR-2012.

Past Meetings docs


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ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY, Nuclear Engineering Division, RERTR Department
9700 South Cass Ave., Argonne, IL 60439-4814
A U.S. Department of Energy laboratory managed by UChicago Argonne, LLC

Last modified on June 19, 2012 10:10 +0200