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Renewal of Passport Instructions

Required documents for Renewal of U.S. Passport - Person 16 and older:

  • Original U.S. passport(s) of the applicant(s);
  • Original/certified copy of long form of U.S. birth certificate or naturalization certificate of the applicant(s);
  • Social Security card (if the card is not available, you may provide the number);
  • Original Iranian birth certificate, together with its official English translation, certified by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Valid Iranian passport/valid driver’s license;
  • Two passport pictures, 5 x 5 cm, full face, white background, printed on non-glassy paper, with no touch-ups. Keep in mind that you might be required to present some chronological family photos, showing you since the issuance date of your present U.S. passport. Therefore, just in case have some family photos with you;
  • In the case of applicants under 18 years of age, if the parents are divorced the true copy of their divorce decree is required and only the parent, who has been granted full custody of the child, may apply for the new passport. In cases, where parents are granted joint custody, consent of both parties are required;
  •  Passport fee (please refer to the link on applicable fees);
  • Applicants can submit the mentioned documents, by having a prior appointment only.

PLEASE NOTE that a U.S. Consular Officer at any U.S. Embassy/Consulate can request whatever documents he/she finds necessary in matters in connection with U.S. citizenship documentation. Therefore, you might be asked to present additional documents for adjudication of your case.

Required documents for Renewal of U.S. Passport for children under 16:

  • Original U.S. passport(s) of the applicant(s);
  • Original/certified copy of long form of U.S. birth certificate or naturalization certificate of the child/children;
  • Identifying documents of the minor child/children and both parents, i.e. Iranian birth certificates;
  • English translations of the Iranian birth certificates of both parents and the applicant, which have to be certified by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
  • Social Security card of the applicant(s), if available or its number;
  • Two identical passport pictures, 5 x 5 cm, front view, full face, white background, printed on non-glassy paper, with no touch-ups. If the picture of the applicant(s) in the expired passport goes back to his/her infancy, family photos are required to show the stages of growth;
  •  If parents are also U.S. citizens, their U.S. passports are required;
  • Valid Iranian passports of both parents; in case the minor child has been issued a separate Iranian passport his/her passport is also required;
  • Presence of both parents and the minor child at the time of application is mandatory. In case one parent is absent at the time of application, he/she should complete form DS-3053 “Statement of Consent: Issuance of a Passport to a Minor Under Age 16” and have it notarized;
  •  Passport fee (please refer to the link on applicable fees);
  • Applicants can submit the mentioned documents, by having a prior appointment only.

*If the minor child’s parents have been divorced, the original divorce decree is required to show which parents has been granted the custody (if the divorce has taken place in Iran, apart from the divorce decree, the official English translation of it is also be required).

PLEASE NOTE that a U.S. Consular Officer at any U.S. Embassy/Consulate can request whatever documents he/she finds necessary in matters in connection with U.S. citizenship documentation. Therefore, you might be asked to present additional documents for adjudication of your case.