USMA Library
U.S. Military Academy Library at West Point

The United States Military Academy Library offers selective internship opportunities to graduate and post-graduate students in information-related fields with a special emphasis on equipping the next generation of library leaders to navigate a rapidly evolving profession. The USMA Library is uniquely positioned to provide insight into a wide variety of library disciplines including academic librarianship at a top-ranked institution of higher education, special librarianship within the military and federal government, and archival management within the National Archives and Records Administration.

The number of internships offered varies each term. Internships are generally available each academic term (fall and spring) as well as during the summer months. Internships are unpaid, volunteer positions, though may be offered for academic credit through graduate programs. These opportunities are comprised of of two primary components:
1. Immersion experiences within functional areas of library operations.
2. A targeted project of interest to the intern and of benefit to the USMA Library.
Approximately half of the time allocated to the internship will be spent on immersion experiences, with the other half devoted to project work. Immersion experiences are conducted in each of the areas listed below. The point of contact for each area will determine a specific schedule and plan for covering areas within the block. The order and timeline for each block will be set at the beginning of the internship period.
Leadership (POC: Mr. Christopher Barth)
·Strategic Planning / Visioning
·Inter-institutional Collaboration
·Budgeting / Resource Management
·Facility/Event Management
Information Access (POC: Ms. Deborah DiSalvo)
·Interlibrary Loan
Information Resources (POC: Mr. David Stockton)
·Collection Development
·Collection Management
·Authority Control
Information Services (POC: Mr. Dan Pritchard)
·Curricular Support
Information Systems (POC: Ms. Christine Bassett)
·Discovery Services
·Digital Collections
·Social Media
·Technology Equipment
Special Collections and Archives (POC: Ms. Suzanne Christoff)
·Rare Books
·Institutional Archives
Interested candidates should prepare an application dossier containing the following materials:
1.Letter of Introduction
2.Curriculum Vitae
3.Graduate Transcript (Issued to Student copies are acceptable).
The letter of introduction should specify one of the six areas of focus (Leadership, Information Access, Information Resources, Information Services, Information Systems, and Special Collections & Archives) as a primary area of professional interest along with an initial review of specific ideas for project work. The proposed project idea does not have to be concisely defined, but should illustrate engagement with innovative library services and provide an opportunity for leadership through project execution. Accepted candidates will coordinate with the USMA Library to determine the exact final project definition and scope. Deadlines for submission and notification dates for each term are listed below:
Internship Period
Application Deadline
Notification By
Fall (August-December)
15 May
15 June
Spring (January-May)
15 October
15 November
Summer (May-August)
15 March
15 April
Completed dossiers should be submitted electronically by email to:
Christopher D. Barth
Librarian and Associate Dean
U.S. Military Academy Library
West Point, NY 10996

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