Marine Corps Embassy Security Group

"In Every Clime and Place"

Quantico, VA
Frequently Asked Questions

Marine Corps Embassy Security Guard - How far will you go

How do I get orders to MSG School? The first step towards MSG School is through your unit’s Career Planner/Career Retention Specialist (CRS). Inform your CRS that you would like to start your package for MSG School. For specific questions, contact the MSG Recruiting & Screening Team .

How long do I have to be on station before I can apply to MSG duty? Sergeants and below are required to have 18 months Time on Station (TOS), and SNCOs are required to have 24 months TOS before reporting in. Despite this, Marines have received orders for MSG Duty with less than one year on station as any requirement regarding TOS can be waived. If you are short of your TOS requirements, proceed to complete and submit your package. Aside from the MSG Screening Team and your MOS monitor, nobody can deny your request for orders to MSG School. .

Is there a rank minimum requirement for MSG School? NO. There is no minimum rank requirement for MSG School. We are actively seeking PFCs through *MGySgts. In fact, Marines who complete MSG School and still hold the rank of PFC will be administratively promoted to the rank of LCpl. *MSgt-MGySgt must be within time in service limits.

I'm a Sergeant or below and have dependants. Can I do MSG duty? NO. Marines holding the rank of Sgt or below must be single with zero dependents. However, those Marines who have children but are not the primary care takers are not immediately disqualified (i.e. paying child support or alimony is not an immediate disqualifier). SNCO’s may have up to four dependents (three children and one spouse).

Do I need a TOP SECRET clearance to apply for MSG duty? NO. You do not need to have a TOP SECRET clearance to apply for MSG. At a minimum, an adjudicated Secret clearance is required in order to conduct the Phase II Screening. You will need to have a JPAS print out from your Security Manager/S-2 at the time of your phase II interview to verify all information regarding your status.

I heard MSG School is a “P.T. Academy,” do I need a 1st class PFT in order to do MSG Duty? NO. MSG School is not a “P.T. Academy.” MSG school consists of both mental and physical challenges. That being said, very few Marines who come to MSG School in good shape are dropped strictly due to physical fitness.

I'm thinking about getting some sort of law enforcement job after the Marine Corps. Will MSG duty help prepare me for this type of employment? YES. The skills and experience acquired during MSG school and out at post are much the same as those sought after by law enforcement departments across the U.S. MSG School itself is very highly respected by law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, MSGs will work side by side with numerous federal agencies and separate themselves from other Marines who do not have this experience.

I want orders to MSG school but my command won't let me go. They say I'm too valuable. Is there anything I can do? YES. Your command cannot deny your request to do MSG duty, they simply make a recommendation. They still have to submit your package through your Career Retention Specialist. HQMC has the final say as to whether you will receive orders or not. If someone in your command refuses to let you submit a package, make sure you get it in writing.

When I was younger I got into some trouble with the police. Can I still come to MSG school? That depends on what type of trouble you got in. Many, if not most, Marines did a few stupid things before joining the Marine Corps. Many things can be waived or are not serious enough to stop a Marine from coming to MSG school. If you have any doubt, go ahead and start your package. Upon being screened by the MSG screening team, they will find you qualified or unqualified. Drug waivers do not disqualify Marines for MSG duty.

I heard that MSG's don't qualify annually with the M-4, is that true? YES. MSGs are exempt from USMC Annual M-4 Qualification. However, MSGs do qualify with the M9 Beretta, M870 Shotgun, and M-4 with iron sights on the Department of State qualification course which does not carry over to standard Marine Corps qualification.

What is the toughest part of MSG School? MSG school brings many challenges. Students will be challenged both mentally and physically throughout the duration of the course. Although there is no one piece of MSG school that stands out as the toughest, many Marines have minor problems with managing their time during MSG school. During MSG school you will be expected to learn a large amount of new information in a short amount of time. That being said, MSG students will be afforded every opportunity to study, retain, and conquer the material covered during school. The instructors here at MSG school are dedicated to giving MSG students ample opportunity to pass the course. However, no one will be dragged or slid through the course. Again, attitude is everything; if you want to pass and commit yourself, you will pass.

Are Female or Male Marines treated different from one another during MSG school? Marines are Marines, period. Marines reporting to MSG school will be treated equally and fairly no matter what their sex.

What uniforms should I bring to MSG school? MSG Students are required to report with their entire minimum uniform requirement. It is not recommended that students purchase several extra uniform items before reporting to MSG School. Reporting with the basic uniform allowance and ensuring that every uniform is serviceable is all that is required. For further information refer to the following references: (A) MCO P1020.34_ (B) MCO 1326.6_ (C) MCBUL 10120

Will there be someone at the airport to meet me? How should I get to Quantico? There will be no one at the airport to greet Marines arriving for MSG School. All Marines are advised to take a taxicab to 27276 Garand Road, Marine Corps Base Quantico. Receipts should be kept to be used for travel claims. Transportation costs will be reimbursed upon completion of travel claim. Ground Transportation Questions when flying into Dulles International Airport 

Do I need to report in Alpha's?
YES. All Marines reporting to MSG School will be in their Service “A” uniform upon reporting in. To clarify, it is NOT acceptable to come to MSG School in civilian attire and request to change into Alphas. All Marines will stand a uniform inspection immediately upon reporting into MSG School.

I have a few tattoos can I still go to MSG School? YES. Having a tattoo, or several, does not immediately disqualify one for MSG duty. However, all tattoos must be in good taste and non-offensive in nature. Tattoos that are racist, sexist or vulgar in any way will not be accepted.

I received NJP when I was a PFC, can I still receive orders to MSG School? YES. In order to be eligible for a pre-screening interview, you must have no NJPs within the past year. If it has been at least one year since your last NJP, you are eligible for a screening interview.

My GT is an 85; can I still get orders to MSG School? NO. The minimum requirement for the MSG program is 90. Marines with scores lower than 90 are required to re-take the ASVAB and earn a higher GT score. This requirement is not waiverable.

Do I have to be a US Citizen before receiving orders to MSG school? YES. In order to obtain a TOP SECRET Clearance, one must be a U.S. citizen. Marines may be screened for MSG Duty as soon as they become a U.S. citizen, no sooner.

Can I have a dual citizenship? NO. In order to obtain a TOP SECRET clearance, one cannot hold dual citizenship, but must be a citizen of the U.S. only. Marines holding dual citizenship may be screened by a member of RAST and found qualified for MSG, and can renounce their citizenship to their country of origin at MSG School.

My spouse is not a US Citizen can I receive orders? NO. All spouses must be U.S. Citizens. Dependents may hold dual citizenship.

I am only five feet tall do I need a waiver? NO. MSG currently has no height standards. As long as Marines fall within USMC height/weight standards, they are eligible for MSG duty.

Do MSGs go to two or three posts? How many posts do Detachment Commanders go to? All MSGs will serve three twelve month posts.  Detachment Commanders serve two eighteen month posts.

I bounced a check when I was younger does this disqualify me? NO. Although all MSG students will have their personal and financial backgrounds thoroughly screened to ensure each student is financially responsible and mature, the bouncing of one check will not disqualify one from receiving orders to MSG School.

I came in the Marine Corps on a drug waiver does this disqualify me? NO. Having a drug waiver does not disqualify Marines from receiving orders to MSG School.

What should I do about TMO before coming to MSG School? All single SNCO's and E-5's and below report to MSG School on PCS orders and should therefore process TMO prior to departing their present permanent duty stations. The TMO will place the house hold goods/unaccompanied baggage (HHG/UB) into non-temporary storage (NTS) or long term storage at or near the location the Marine is relocating from. In the event a Marine will be departing an overseas location the shipment will be stored in California. MSG is weight restricted; therefore Marines are not allowed to ship their full JFTR weight allowance. Upon completion of MSG School E-5's and below will go directly to post and not be forwarded the opportunity to return to previous duty station for any administrative purposes.

SNCOs report to MSG School on TAD orders, and WILL have time to return to their command after graduation and handle TMO at that time.

I already have PCS orders to another unit, change them to MSG School? Depending on several factors, including your primary MOS, there is a possibility that your orders can be changed. For specific information regarding existing orders, contact the MSG Monitor via your command Career Retention Specialist.