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Cloud Blanket Purchase Agreements (BPAs)

GSA's cloud blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) are one of the ways agencies can move to the cloud. Currently GSA offers BPAs for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Email as a Service (EaaS).


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Federal, state, and local governments can use the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) blanket purchase agreement (BPA) to buy cloud storage, virtual machines, and web hosting with an Authority to Operate (ATO) at the FISMA moderate-impact level.

IaaS can help government get cost savings, efficiencies, and modernization without expanding existing infrastructure.


Email as a Service (EaaS)

The new Email as a Service (EaaS) blanket purchase agreement (BPA) now allows federal, state, and local governments to order EaaS faster and at better prices.

EaaS provides government with instant software updates and supports a mobile workforce. Access your email from anywhere and reduce maintenance and infrastructure costs.


State, local, and tribal governments

State, local, and tribal governments can buy cloud through these BPAs by using our Cooperative Purchasing Program.


GSA Technology Solutions
24 hours a day, Mon - Sat

(888) 377-0070

cloud, IT services, apps, servers, storage, development, testing, web hosting, virtual machines, cloud, in the cloud, clouds