

You have reached the General Services Administration (GSA) website for domain name registration for the U.S. government. Since 1997, we have been proud to manage the .gov and .fed.US top-level domains.

In order to manage .gov domains you must have a user ID and password into this system. If you do not have a user ID and password, please click on the Account tab to apply for a new account.

Warning! Use of this site is restricted!
This computer system is for the use of the United States Government.
Unauthorized access, or access which exceeds authorized access is punishable under 18 USC 1030.

The .GOV Domain Name Registration website will undergo a scheduled maintenance on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 after 9 PM EST. You may not be able to access www.dotgov.gov to make new domain name requests or modifications for a period of time during the maintenance window. All .GOV domain names will resolve normally throughout the maintenance. If you have questions regarding this maintenance period, please contact us at registrar@dotgov.gov or 877-734-4688.

Determine if your .gov domain name is signed with DNSSEC using DNSSEC Analyzer.