Action Due Date - 2004

Due Date
State Letter
19-Nov-04 STP-04-078 comment on proposed revised abnormal occurrence (AO) criteria
15-Nov-04 STP-04-077 comment on draft revision manual chapter 1246, Section 16
01-Nov-04 STP-04-074 comment on draft FRN, re Protection of Safeguards Information
18-Oct-04 STP-04-072 comment on 10CFR Part 35, Medical Use of Byproduct Material- Specialty Boards
11-Oct-04 STP-04-068 comment on Draft 2005 Recommendations of the ICRP
29-Aug-04 STP-04-051 comment on M.D. 6.3: "The Rulemaking Process"
06-Aug-04 STP-04-039 comment on ICRP draft report on Protection Against Radiation Exposure in the Aftermath of a Terrorist/Nuclear Attack
02-Aug-04 STP-04-047 comment on SA-109, low-level waste program and SA-110, uranium recovery programs
02-Aug-04 STP-04-042 comment on NRC civil penalty authority over contractors & subcontractors who discriminate against employees in protected activities
28-Jul-04 STP-04-045 comment on SA-102, common performance indicator, technical quality of inspections
30-Jun-04 STP-04-040 provide responses to questions on Use of Inspection Manual Chapter 2800
07-Jun-04 STP-04-036 comment on SA-103, technical staffing and training
07-Jun-04 STP-04-035 comment on SA-118, orientation meetings for new agreement states
07-Jun-04 STP-04-034 comment on SA-104, technical quality of licensing actions
23-May-04 STP-04-029 comment on restructuring of the teletherapy and brachytherapy course (H-313)
16-May-04 STP-04-027 comment on national materials program pilot project two draft report
11-Apr-04 STP-04-018 comment on deferral of active ground-water regulation to EPA
17-Mar-04 STP-03-084 comment on mixed waste disposal and NRC involvement
12-Mar-04 STP-04-009 comment on use of SSD for generally licensed sources and devices
03-Mar-04 STP-04-008 comment on draft rule-- 92% fee recovery for FY2004
20-Feb-04 STP-03-088 proposed revision of 10 CFR Part 35, "medical use of by-product material"--specialty boards
08-Feb-04 STP-04-002 comments on 10 CFR 19.13, 10 CFR Part 20, 10 CFR Part 50
06-Feb-04 STP-03-086 comments on ISCORS--radioactivity in sewage sludge & ash
05-Feb-04 STP-04-001 training needs survey
21-Jan-04 STP-03-085 comment on Rev 1 to NUREG-1556, Vol 3, Applications for SSD evaluation & registration
Action Items for 2003
Action Items for 2002