Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental Management Programs
What's New - 2005!!

12/9/05 Availability of Second National Report - Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management (STP-05-090)
11/29/05 G-304: The Inspecting for Performance - Materials Version course: date has changed from June 20-22, 2006 to June 13-15, 2006. The cost and location of the course did not change. Anyone interested in attending this course should send an application to BGU@NRC.GOV or fax it to 301-415-3502.
11/29/05 Attached for your information is a revised FY 2006 Training Course schedule. The changes are highlighted.
11/28/05 The H-201 course will only be offered once each fiscal year. The FY 06 course was recently completed October 17-28, 2005. There will no longer be a course October 16-27, 2006 due to logistical reasons. The FY 07 course has been scheduled for January 22-February 2, 2007. Applications for this course will be taken now. Please send them to Brenda Usilton by email, BGU@NRC.GOV, or fax, 301-415-3502.
11/17/05 H-201: Health Physics Technology Course Cancellation: Due to the low enrollment in the H-201 over the past few years the training center has decided to reduce the number of sessions from 2 to 1 per year. The April course is being cancelled from the schedule. The next course will be October 16-27, 2006. If enrollment increases in the future, such that there is a substantial wait-list then they will schedule a second course.

Anyone previously registered in the April class will be automatically transferred to the October course.


SS&D Registry and Agreement State Program Letters pages: The links have changed so change your bookmarks. The SS&D Registry is at
and the Agreement State Program Letters page is at

11/15/05 Date change for G-109: Licensing Practices and Procedures and G-108: Inspection Procedures courses: The new dates are June 19-23, 2006 for G-109 and June 26-30, 2006 for G-108. The location has not changed. Anyone already registered in the March courses will automatically be transferred to the June courses. If you are not able to make these dates please call Brenda Usilton (301) 415-2348 and she will remove you from the course.
10/14/05 Janet R. Schlueter is the new Director, Office of State and Tribal Programs. She succeeded Paul H. Lohaus who retired.
G-304: An Inspecting for Performance - Materials Version course: will be held in Portland, Oregon on November 15-17, 2005 at the Portland State Office Building, 800 N.E. Oregon Street, Portland, OR 97232. The cost of the tuition will be $485.00 per student. Anyone interested in attending this course please submit an application to Brenda Usilton at BGU@NRC.GOV or fax it to 301-415-3502.
8/16/05 Janet R. Schlueter has been appointed as Director, Office of State and Tribal Programs. Ms. Schlueter will succeed Paul H. Lohaus who is retiring in October.
6/23/05 H-313: Teletherapy & Brachytherapy course: originally scheduled for August 15-19, 2005 is cancelled. The course should be given next fiscal year.
6/23/05 G-205: Root Cause/Incident Investigation workshop: is scheduled for October 31-November 4, 2005 in Lisle, Illinois. Anyone interested in attending this course should send their application either by fax at 301-415-3502 or via e-mail at BGU@NRC.GOV. The course cost for G-205 is $1,687.
6/23/05 H-308: The Transportation of Radioactive Materials: Location change for course scheduled for October 24-28, 2005. Original location was Chattanooga, Tennessee and is now changed to Rockville, Maryland.

Any questions regarding the change please contact Brenda Usilton at 301-415-2348 or BGU@NRC.GOV.

3/3/05 The April 20-21, 2005 Decommissioning Workshop link may be accessed at
on the NRC Public Website
2/7/05 G-108: Inspection Procedures. A second course has been added and will be held in Austin, Texas on June 27-July 1, 2005. Anyone interested in registering, needs to submit a training application to Brenda G. Usilton at BGU@NRC.GOV or fax it to (301) 415-3502. There is no tuition for this course. People registering get in on a first come first serve basis.
'What's New' for January through December 2004
'What's New' for January through December 2003
'What's New' for January through December 2002
'What's New' for January through December 2001
'What's New' for May 1999 through December 2000

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