U.S. Department of State


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Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
Fact Sheet
July 3, 2012

More information about Singapore is available on the Singapore Country Page and from other Department of State publications and other sources listed at the end of this fact sheet.


The United States recognized Singapore's independence from Malaysia in 1965 and has had formal diplomatic relations with Singapore since 1966. Singapore's efforts to maintain economic growth and political stability and its support for regional cooperation harmonize with U.S. policy in the region and form a solid basis for amicable relations between the two countries. In early 2012, the United States and Singapore held the first meeting of their Strategic Partnership Dialogue, followed by a ministerial meeting that introduced new mechanisms to further strengthen partnership and cooperation for the benefit of the Asia-Pacific region, including the Third Country Training Program (TCTP), a joint technical assistance program for developing countries. The first TCTP projects will focus on training officials in the sub-Mekong region in the areas of environment, health, urban planning, and disaster management.

There are a large number of Americans living in Singapore, and many Singaporeans visit and study in the United States. The U.S. Government sponsors visitors from Singapore each year under the International Visitor Program; provides Fulbright awards to enable selected American professors to teach or conduct research at the National University of Singapore and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies; awards scholarships to outstanding Singaporean students for graduate studies at American universities and to American students to study in Singapore; and sponsors occasional cultural presentations in Singapore. The East-West Center and private American organizations, such as the Asia and Ford Foundations, also sponsor exchanges involving Singaporeans.

U.S. Assistance to Singapore

The EXBS program has been active in Singapore since 2003 and has provided over $2 million in technical exchanges and assistance. EXBS’ goals in Singapore are to encourage active targeting and enforcement of export controls, full compliance with the four multilateral export control regimes, cooperation on counter-proliferation prosecution and investigation matters. EXBS assistance for Singapore in 2012 totaled $250,000. Singapore is expected to graduate from the EXBS program in 2015.

Bilateral Economic Relations

The United States has a bilateral free trade agreement with Singapore. The two countries participate in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations that seek to develop a regional trade agreement. The United States is one of Singapore's largest foreign investors, with over 1,500 U.S. firms in operation. Singapore is a visa waiver program country, which allows its nationals to travel to the United States for certain business or tourism purposes for stays of 90 days or less without obtaining a visa.

Singapore's Membership in International Organizations

Singapore and the United States belong to a number of the same international organizations, including the United Nations, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, ASEAN Regional Forum, International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and World Trade Organization.

Bilateral Representation

The U.S. Ambassador to Singapore is David Adelman; other principal embassy officials are listed in the Department's Key Officers List.

Singapore maintains an embassy in the United States at 3501 International Place NW, Washington, DC 20008 (tel. 202-537-3100).

More information about Singapore is available from the Department of State and other sources, some of which are listed here:

Department of State Singapore Country Page
Department of State Key Officers List
CIA World Factbook Singapore Page
U.S. Embassy: Singapore
History of U.S. Relations With Singapore
Human Rights Reports
International Religious Freedom Reports
Trafficking in Persons Reports
Narcotics Control Reports
Investment Climate Statements
Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Countries Page
U.S. Census Bureau Foreign Trade Statistics
Export.gov International Offices Page
Library of Congress Country Studies
Travel and Business Information

[This is a mobile copy of Singapore]