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All Awardee Workshops

Genomics:GTL Contractor—Grantee Workshop II

Washington, D.C.
February 29-March 4, 2004

  • PDF file (1408 Kb, compatible with Acrobat version 4 and up)
  • Abstracts by Section
    • Welcome PDF
    • Table of Contents PDF
    • Genomics:GTL Program Projects PDF
    • Communication PDF
    • Modeling/Computation PDF
    • Environmental Genomics PDF
    • Microbial Genomics PDF
    • Technology Development PDF
    • Ethical, Legal, & Societal Issues PDF
    • Late Abstracts PDF
  • Breakout Groups
    • Cultivation Technologies, March 1, 2004 (PDF file, 27 kb)
    • Environmental Genomics, March 1, 2004 (PDF file, 16 kb)
    • Imaging, March 1, 2004 (PDF file, 11 kb)
    • Protein Production Facility (PDF file, 23 kb)
  • Printed copies of the abstract book are available to order. Contact us at

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