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Protein Production & Characterization Facility Workshop

May 29-30, 2003

Lee Makowski and Jim Brainard (organizers)

Location: Building 202, Argonne National Laboratory

Argonne National Laboratory will be hosting a 1 1/2 day workshop on the Protein Production and Characterization Facility. This workshop will seek to

(i) build the scientific case for a Facility
(ii) discuss the technical challenges faced by the Facility
(iii) address the question as to what such a Facility should encompass

The workshop will be attended by representatives from DOE and NIH and scientists from the national lab system and academia.

Sessions will address the

(i) future needs for protein production and characterization that are driving the development of this facility
(ii) the technical challenges involving cloning; expression; purification; and characterization;
(iii) the special problems involved in expressing membrane proteins; periplasmic proteins and very large proteins.
(iv) the technical challenges of developing affinity reagents specific to each protein produced.

Tentative Agenda

Thursday, 29 May 2003
8:00 Coffee and Registration
8:30 Welcome: Purpose or Workshop/Overview/Scope
9:00 Community Needs
10:00 Break
10:30 Technical Challenges (I) Automation and Informatics
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Technical Challenges (II) Expression Systems
2:00 Technical Challenges (III) Membrane Proteins
3:00 Break
3:30 Technical Challenges (IV) Other Systems
6:00 Dinner
Friday, 30 May 2003
8:00 Coffee
8:30 Technical Challenges (V): Characterization Network
10:30 Break
11:00 Technical Challenges (VI): Affinity Reagents
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Customers React: Systems Biology, Biochemists, Structural, Other Facilities
2:45 What’s Next?
3:00 Adjourn

Confirmed Participants

Marvin Frazier, OBER
Jim Brainard, LANL
Lee Makowski, ANL
Michelle Buchanan, ORNL
Frank Collart, ANL
Debbie Hanson, ANL
Eric Ackerman, PNNL
Andrew Bradbury, LANL
Bill Studier, BNL
Steve Kent, U. Chicago
Andrzej Joachimiak, ANL
Brian Kay, ANL
Richard Burgess, U. Wisconsin
Scott Lesley, Novartis Foundation
Rosie Kim, LBNL
Young Chang Kim, ANL
George Michaels, PNNL
Mark Chiu, Abbott
George Martin, Roche
Tom Holzman, Abbott
Mike Kennedy, PNNL
Jill Trewella, LANL
John Flanagan, BNL

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