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992 DOE JGI Unique Users

Principal Investigators (PIs), Co-PIs, collaborators, Eukaryotic annotators in FY2012.

Unique users are counted once, even though an individual may have several projects/roles.

The JGI Project Management Office (PMO) manages all relationships with the JGI User community, working directly with JGI collaborators to ensure that projects remain on schedule and offer the best quality and efficiencies, from proposal initiation and project planning to project close-out.

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User Programs

Community Sequencing Program

The CSP is JGI's proposal-based user program designed to bring high-throughput sequencing to the scientific community at large. Members of the national laboratory community are welcome to submit proposals as well as researchers elsewhere.

Emerging Technologies Opportunity Program (ETOP)

New funding opportunity: The DOE JGI Emerging Technological Opportunities Program (ETOP) invites the scientific community to partner with the DOE JGI to provide its users with an evolving set of world-class genomic capabilities.

Technology Development Pilot Program (TDP)

To complement the CSP, the Technology Development Program (TDP) was designed to provide users with early access to nascent technologies at the JGI and in close collaboration with onsite scientists. Projects supported through the TDP are expected to use groundbreaking methods that are currently emerging (and not offered through the CSP program) to address questions of immediate DOE mission relevance. High-risk/high-reward projects exploring the very limits of current technology in the context of cutting-edge scientific questions are encouraged.

Visiting Scientist Program

The DOE Joint Genome Institute Visiting Scientist Program (VSP) provides an opportunity for faculty-level scientists who are seeking to build upon their line of scientific inquiry by leveraging JGI experimental, computational, and personnel resources for genomic research and sequence-based science. Projects include de novo generation of genome data, assistance in interpreting and/or building on an existing data set, or the refining of new technology (e.g., single-cell genomics; metagenomics, etc.). Length of stay depends on complexity of the project being considered and availability of data and other resources. Investigators, post docs, and graduate students participating in approved JGI User Projects are also invited to apply for on-site access to JGI resources and capabilities.

For more information contact, Jim Bristow, JGI Deputy Director for Science Programs: jbristow@lbl.gov.

Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow in Genomics

The Department of Energy Joint Genome Institute (DOE JGI) in Walnut Creek, CA is soliciting Postdoctoral Fellows working in the general area of genomics.  The ideal applicant would directly leverage JGI experimental and/or computational resources for massive-scale genomic research and sequence-based science of relevance to the DOE.  The fellowship allows recent graduates with a Ph.D. (or equivalent) to acquire further scientific training at one of the leading facilities for genomic research and to develop professional maturity for independent research.  Projects would likely fall into one of the 5 general Programs at the JGI which include Metagenomics, Microbes, Fungi, Plants, and/or Technologies.

Research will be conducted at the DOE JGI with access to the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and offers a rich and dynamic scholarly environment with the latest in genomics and bioinformatics-based research.

The initial appointment is for two years with the possibility of renewal dependent on performance, continuing availability of funds and ongoing operational needs. Work will be performed at the DOE Joint Genome Institute (JGI) located in Walnut Creek, CA.

To apply, please submit in a single attachment (1) your curriculum vitae, (2) a statement of research interests, and (3) a list of three references. Click here to apply online. Once you have located the position, click “Apply Now” and follow the online instructions to complete the application process.

Download an information sheet about this program.

International Cooperative Biodiversity Groups

The ICBG Program aims to integrate improvement of human health through drug discovery, creation of incentives for conservation of biodiversity, and promotion of scientific research and sustainable economic activity that focuses on environment, health, equity and democracy. Currently, eight groups have received awards from the ICBG, which is funded by several agencies, including NIH, DOE, NSF, USDA and NOAA. The JGI supports these groups by providing next-generation sequencing and analysis capabilities, up to 600 Gb of Illumina (short-read) data. Proposals from any of these eight groups can be submitted at any time using the web-based Work Initiation Process (WIP) form and should include proposal title, description, justification, sequence utilization and DOE mission relevance. Proposals will continue to be accepted until the sequencing allocation is met. Before commitment to any sequencing project, a technical review will be carried out by JGI.

Low Dose Radiation Research Program

DOE's Low Dose Radiation Research Program encourages mission-relevant sequencing proposals that involve re-sequencing by the JGI of genomic regions for which an existing reference sequence is known and available, or ChIP-seq sequencing for epigenomic analyses. For details of the Low Dose Program research mission interests, see the Program website at http://lowdose.energy.gov/. De novo sequencing of entire genomes will not be supported. A scientific peer review will be carried out under the aegis of the JGI and final determinations of mission relevance will be made by the Low Dose Program Manager at DOE Headquarters. Projects requesting Sanger sequencing will not be considered. Before commitment to any sequencing project, a required technical review will be carried out by JGI.

A letter of intent (LOI), informing us that you plan to submit a proposal for consideration in the next round, must be sent to JGI before the submission of a proposal. The LOI should be submitted using the web-based Work Initiation Process (WIP) form and should include proposal title, description, justification, sequence utilization, community interest and DOE mission relevance. The LOI helps us to plan for review and allows us to help you with the details of your proposal. Submitters whose letters of intent are approved will receive further instructions via email.

MyJGI: Information for Collaborators

The MyJGI site offers Information about submitting samples; JGI policies regarding finishing, publication, and data release; and sequencing protocols. If you are planning to send samples to JGI, you can use the Collaborator Sample Information tab to submit the required information. To review the status of your projects, use the Collaborator Status Reporter tab.