Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard - Proudly Serving California's 40th District

Help with Federal Grants
This page will provide you with a central location to search the wealth of information available from both government and private entities who offer financing to individuals, businesses and state and local governments. The links on this page offer helpful information that will enable you research information efficiently and will guide you on writing grant proposals.

If you would like to receive information regarding upcoming grants and “Request for Proposals (RFPs)” for all federal funding agencies, please sign up at  

In addition, as a service to the people of the 40th Congressional District, I provide a supplemental Grants Notification Program.  The program is one more tool to help local non-profit organizations and municipalities research competitive grants.  To receive my updates, please fill out the Grant Notification Form and fax this form back to (323) 721-8789.

On June 14, 2012 Congresswoman Roybal-Allard hosted a free Grants Workshop for local non-profit organizations and municipalities. The goal of the workshop, held at the Energy Resource Center in Downey, was to provide those agencies that support the 40th Congressional District with the opportunity to meet and discuss upcoming funding opportunities and best practices with federal agencies. State and foundation grantors were also on hand to provide their insight to the 129 participants.  Click here to view the PowerPoint presentations from some of the federal and state agencies.

You may also research upcoming grants at the following websites:

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
gives you access to a database of all federal programs available to state and local governments, including the District of Columbia and federally recognized Indian tribal governments, territories (and possessions) of the United States, as well as domestic public, quasi-public, and private profit and nonprofit organizations and institutions, specialized groups and individuals. You can search this database to find assistance programs meeting your requirements and for which you are eligible. You can then contact the office that administers the program and find out how to apply. Also available on this site are several aids to guide you in the writing of a proposal to apply for assistance.

Developing and Writing Grant Proposals (CFDA)
Provides information on writing Federal grant proposal, including basic components of a proposal, initial proposal development and information on guidelines and literature.

The Federal Register
The Federal Register is the official daily publication for Rules, Proposed Rules, and Notices of Federal agencies and organizations, as well as Executive Orders and other Presidential Documents.

Center for Nonprofit Management
Offers professional development for the nonprofit community.

Grantmanship Center
The Grantmanship Center offers grantsmanship trainings and resources to nonprofits.

Federal Funds Expre$$
A listing of sites that are recommended sources of information for researching grants, procurement, and other resources on the Internet.

Business and Nonprofit Gateway
A network of links to Federal government information services.

U.S. State and Local Gateway
Web site developed to give state and local governments easy access to Federal government information. Includes Federal partnership programs links for states, city management, counties, legislatures, governors, cities, and mayors.

Resources For Nonprofits
Internet-related tools and resources for your nonprofit organization.

Foundation Finder
Search by name for address and basic information (including links to IRS filings and foundation websites) for more than 61,000 private and community foundations in the U.S.