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Device Evaluations

Interoperability devices, also known as gateways, allow legacy public safety systems to interoperate to a limited extent or at a tactical level. Public safety agencies have been making significant investments in these devices in recent years driven by federal grants and local spending. Little guidance about the performance or interoperability of these devices is available to public safety. On behalf of DHS/OIC, the PSCR program helps public safety agencies find interim solutions that best meet their needs by providing objective information about gateway devices.

Public safety agencies frequently have a 20- to 30-year replacement cycle on communication systems. However, these agencies need solutions that can assist them in achieving basic voice interoperability between now and the time they can purchase a standardized system. We are developing a base of objective knowledge that can be provided to a broad variety of public safety agencies. Our objective device evaluation work reinforces our role as an advocate of public safety agencies, and as an honest broker in the public safety space.

We are working with public safety practitioners to identify specific devices and categories of devices that can help them achieve the fundamental level of interoperability they need.

For more information, contact: DJ Atkinson. See also, Interim Device Evaluations.