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Approved Project 25 Supplier's Declaration of Compliance Documents

Equipment suppliers can participate in the voluntary Project 25 Compliance Assessment Program (P25 CAP) to formally demonstrate their products’ compliance with a select group of requirements within the P25 suite of standards. Those who participate submit SDoC documents (format requirements here) and Summary Test Reports (format requirements here) to the Responder Knowledge Base for DHS/OIC review and approval of eligibility for grant procurement.

Once approved, SDoC documents and associated Summary Test Reports can be viewed publicly at the RKB.

To view approved SDoCs and associated Summary Test Reports at the RKB:

  1. Go to the Certifications and Declarations page of the RKB.

  2. Click P25 SDoCs in the left column.

  3. Click the title of the supplier’s equipment for which you want to view declaration information.

  4. At the bottom of the page under Additional Information, click the SDoC and Summary Test Report links.

More P25 CAP documents.