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Country Commercial Guide for U.S. Companies

Chapter 9: Contacts and Trade Events

International Copyright, U.S. Department of State, 2012. All rights reserved outside of the United States.

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U.S. Embassy

Economic/Commercial Section
Km. 5½ Carretera Sur
P.O. Box 327
Phone: 011 (505) 2252-7100
Fax: 011 (505) 2252-7229

Consular Section
Km. 5 ½ Carretera Sur
P.O. Box #: 327
Phone: 011 (505) 2252-7888
Fax: 011 (505) 2252-7250

Nicaraguan Government

Branches of Government

Trade and Investment

Agriculture and Rural Development

Finance and Banking

Transportation and Infrastructure

Labor Issues

Health and Environment


Business Associations

The U.S. Embassy actively engages with the local business community in support of U.S. commercial interests, particularly through the American Chamber of Commerce of Nicaragua.

Other local chambers of commerce and business associations include:

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Market Research

To view market research reports produced by the U.S. Commercial Service please go to the following website: and click on Country and Industry Market Reports.

Please note that these reports are available only to U.S. citizens and U.S. companies. Registration to the site is required and is free.

Trade Events

Please click on the link below for information on upcoming trade events.

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