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 Sovereign ratings of Bangladesh
Bangladesh achieves Ba3 (Moody's) stable rating for 3rd consecutive year and BB-(S&P) sovereign rating with stable outlook for three consecutive years 2010, 2011,2012
 Monetary policy
BB Governor along with other high officials in a meeting on Green Banking Activities, CSR Initiatives & Mobile financial Services.
BB Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman participates as a panelist at the session titled 'The Impact of the Financial Crisis on the SME Sector and Potential Policy Responses' in the Global Policy Forum 2012 in Cape Town ,  South Africa.
BB Governor along with other high officials in a meeting on Green Banking Activities, CSR Initiatives & Mobile financial Services.
BB Governor along with other high officials unveiling the Financial Stability Report 2011.
BB Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman speaks at a seminar titled 'Towards Bangladesh at 50:  Financial Sector Resilience- Issues and Prospects', Organized by: Dhaka School of Economics held in the city recently.
BB Governor Dr. Atiur Rahman along with high officials at a day long General Managers' Conference 2012 held recently at Jahangir Alam Conference Hall, Bangladesh Bank, Head Office.
Recent events and news
Governor's speeches and addresses in recent events
Regulations and guidelines
News clippings
Recent issues of
  DFIM Circular No. 07 : Guidelines on "Managing Core Risks of Financial Institutions"  Bangla   
  DMD Circular No. 09: Calculation of applicable yield for devolvement in Treasury bond auction  Bangla   
  DID Circular No. 02 : Changed Premium Rate of Deposit Insurance Trust Fund  Bangla   
  DOS Circular Letter No. 14, Regarding Margin Lending of subsidiary company/companies established for merchant banking/brokerage activities  Bangla   
  FEPD Circular No. 10: Export Subsidy against the Export Proceeds received by TT in advance for the export of Halal Meat  Bangla   
  DOS Circular Letter No. 12: To keep the main branches of Government and Private scheduled banks of all divisioin and districts open on 29 September, 2012 for the convenience of the tax-payers in paying tax  Bangla   
  DOS Circular Letter No. 13: Scheduled banks under concerned Election area Gazipur-4 (Kapasia) to remain closed on 30 September, 2012 on the occassion of Election for the vacant Parliamentary seat  Bangla   
  DMD Circular No. 08 : Auction and Distribution Process of Treasury Bills and Bonds  Bangla   
  FSD Circular No. 01 : Submission of Stress Testing Report    English 
  BRPD Circular No. 14 : Master Circular: Loan Classification and Provisioning    English 
  BRPD Circular No. 15 : Master Circular on Loan Rescheduling    English 
  ACFID Circular No. 02 : Regarding financing of Brick. Kiln Efficiency Improvement Project  Bangla   
  BFIU Circular No. 04 : Regarding Guidance Notes on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing  Bangla   
  BRPD Circular No. 13: Acceptance and Purchase of Inland Bill  Bangla   
SAARC Finance
Basel II Implementation
Citizen Charter
Training Academy (BBTA)
About Bangladesh
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